Saturday, December 31, 2011

Natural Ways to Get Pregnant ? Don?t Miss These Secrets

There are many factors to be considered when looking for natural ways to get pregnant. You should look at the usual suspects that may not even be obvious to you and that prevent you from conceiving. Besides your diet and your health, you might be doing a few things wrong. here is a guide to three of the most common factors of not being able to conceive that you may have taken for granted. One of the most natural ways to get pregnant would be lubing up with all the right things Not a lot of people know this, but the type of lubricant you are using can be one of the biggest factors that has been preventing you from a successful pregnancy. Most store bought lubricants and jellies contain spermicide and other chemicals that may kill sperm and impede their ability to reach the egg. Be sure to double check what you are using and stick to the natural lubricants your bodies produce or even pay a visit to your kitchen. Egg whites have the same effect as jellies and oils, with none of the artificial and potentially sperm-harmful chemicals. It would be great too if you help guide [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Scenes from the playground

Kali is climbing an s-shaped ladder up to a platform 6 feet in the air. Decemberbaby is about 20 feet away, talking to another mom, when she notices what Kali's up to.

Decemberbaby: Wow! Look what she's doing!
Other mom: Oh my God, I can't look.
Decemberbaby: I have to look. I might need to describe this at the emergency room later.

Incidentally, she did it all by herself. Kali is a surefooted little girl. Sure, her feet slipped once, but after a tiny whimper she pulled herself up and kept going. Hooray for my free-range kid!


what to do to get pregnant

Musings on a front garden.

Well, it's something to think about. Enough people have disagreed with my and Mr. December's perception of the front-yard issue that we're rethinking our attitude. We're going to compromise, for now, on mowing our lawn more often.

Interestingly, the municipal by-law insists that front yards be kept free of weeds. This in the same city where it is now illegal to spray pesticides and herbicides. And besides, who determines what a weed is? The volunteer foxgloves that sprout between our foundation and our driveway? Chicory flowers (which I love)? Or just the usual old dandelions?

It can all be very confusing when you're not a perfectionist.

I think I can appreciate where my neighbour is coming from, in terms of the veggies. In her day, growing a vegetable garden meant that there was a shortage of produce - either because of war, or simply because you were too poor to buy your fruits and veggies at a store. For her, I suspect that living in a neighbourhood where people only grow ornamental plants is proof of a certain level of affluence.

In our generation, at least among the people we hang out with, growing vegetables is a hobby. A time-consuming, money-consuming hobby, that doesn't necessarily even pay for itself. Also, it's an environmental statement, having something to do with eating locally or organically. All of the above are really luxuries afforded to people with a certain level of affluence, and so we make absolutely no associations between a vegetable garden and poverty. Friends come over, see our garden, and say "Wow, cool! I had no idea potato flowers were purple!". It's seen as a really neat feature.

So all this to say that from now on we'll mow our lawn more regularly and divide the perrenials when they get too bushy and overgrown... but the vegetables stay, and so does the pear tree.

Now, if only I could get the city to come and uproot the dead sapling that's been in our front yard for the past TWO YEARS...


what to do to get pregnant

A Good Labor and Childbirth Experience: Things That Work to Keep You In Control

You've seen all the television shows and movies that feature women screaming through their labors. It may be funny in a comedy, but most women don't really want to lose control during labor. Did you know that staying in control can actually help your labor move faster? You can stay in control no matter what kind of labor you're having, even if it feels slow and painful!


what to do to get pregnant

Asherman?s Syndrome: Heal and Prevent Uterine Adhesions Naturally

Asherman?s syndrome is caused by damage to the uterus that causes the formation of adhesions (scar tissue). The extent of damage can vary, and there are different grades of Asherman?s syndrome severity. The adhesion formation can affect the cervix, uterine lining, the deeper layers of the uterus, or in some cases the opening of the [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Short Tips on How to Get Pregnant: the Importance of ?Positions?

If you have been trying to figure out how to get pregnant, you might want to consider making some changes in the positions by which you and your spouse do the ‘activity’. Learn the best ways to get pregnant, visit my site. Fertility experts all agree that the best position by which to achieve pregnancy is the missionary position because of better deposition of the man’s sperm into the woman’s reproductive tract. it is not advisable to have intimate relations wherein the woman is on top (the dominant position). when the woman is on top, there is a tendency for sperm and semen to leak out of her reproductive tract because of the pull of gravity. It is also advised to place a pillow beneath your hips while doing it. This will keep your pelvis in a tilted position so that the sperms stay inside your body longer. last but not least, don’t get up out of bed immediately after that activity. Instead, relax and let the sperms stay in your body for a longer period of time, so that they can travel up your reproductive tract and fertilize the mature egg. Short Tips on How to Get Pregnant: the [...]


what to do to get pregnant

How To Get Pregnant With Twins Using Fertility Drugs

Fertility Drugs that Increase the Chance of Birthing Twins The popularity of women using fertility drugs to get pregnant has significantly increased over the last several years. For many women struggling with fertility problems, fertility drugs offer a substantial boost in the chances of couples getting pregnant by promoting ovulation. Another effect these fertility drugs [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Still around, still round.

No, I haven't had the baby yet. I'm having another evening of many contractions, all painless.

Today at the midwife, we discovered that Cletus the Fetus's head is engaged in my pelvis, which I probably should have deduced from the searing pain in my pubic bone every time I shift positions. Seriously, it feels like that bone is going to split down the middle. In other news, I'm strep B negative... again. Which is a good thing, because nobody thinks my labour would be long enough for me to have the recommended course of antibiotics anyhow. Meh, another bullet dodged.

My psychiatrist called today. Last time I was in, on Monday, she insisted that we run another set of bloodwork - thyroid, Vitamin D, etc - because there were a few slightly abnormal numbers last time. Well, she called me today and left a message insisting that she needs to see me tomorrow to briefly discuss the results. Then she "reassured" me that there's nothing really terrible, "just a few deficiencies". A few? A FEW? So important that she needs to see me tomorrow? So now I'm stuck between worrying and thinking that she's just a worrywart who wants to make sure that my Midwives know that I'm iron-deficient or something.

Right this second, I'm feeling like it's something semi-serious. WTF is wrong with me?

UPDATE: I called her this morning to confirm what time she wanted me to come in. She said, "I don't have time for this today, I have to leave by 2:00 and I have back-to-back patients until then." !!!!! I stifled the urge to say, "Well, you were the one who called me in a panic and HAD to see me today." She asked me whether I could just come in and pick up a copy of the results. I told her she should just fax them to my midwife, if she thought they were relevant. So now I don't really know what to think these results are all about... but how important can they be, if hearing about it is subject to my doctor's whims?


what to do to get pregnant

Trying To Conceive 4 Months

This has helped hundreds of years. Walking is also detrimental to your baby be healthy when you are about the days when the woman’s menstrual cycle. Learn about their own natural approach to dealing with it easier than it may seem!5. Eat rightWhile it’s been said that women who drank alcohol!Tobacco changes the cervix to [...]


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My Popsicle


what to do to get pregnant

Friday, December 30, 2011


Guest Blog by Helen Adrienne – Author, On Fertile Ground: Healing Infertility Interest in the placebo effect in general medical care has undergone resurgence in recent years as emphasis on the mind/body connection has come to the center of medical science. When state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques are used to study the placebo effect, the involvement [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Issue to recollect in order to know how to have pregnant quick

According to figures, somewhere around 211 million gals get pregnant annually all over the entire world and about 134 million of those are effectively staying pushed by all of the strategy to birthing. But whilst there are actually partners who will be lucky to get a toddler, some have a challenging time conceiving an individual. the speed of infertility is about one out of six partners and if you consider it, this selection is quite alarming and there are so many factors why this occurs. So would this indicate that a pregnancy miracle treatment is becoming created for anyone who are obtaining boueux finding expecting?There are numerous offerings with the web with regards to ways to get pregnant quick. There are e-books that provide some sort of substitute way in finding expecting like Chinese medication. some even say that the suitable placement all through love producing really should be adopted in order to obtain the desired effect. Whatever the strategy, you need to remember that gaining pregnant demands planning.8 Months Pregnant It is rather vital to note that a pregnancy is most often planned and it will require loads of issues in thought. for anyone who’ve no challenge in fertility, [...]


what to do to get pregnant

A Few Straightforward Things You Can Do To Help You Get Pregnant

For some ladies getting pregnant appears to happen comparatively easily while for others it just does not appear to happen fast enough. Women that have waited till later along in life and made a conscious call to conceive regularly find themselves asking a straightforward question: How do I get pregnant? Ironically most girls know lots more about the best way to not conceive than how it is possible to get pregnant. it is much more likely for a woman to be conscious of lots more paths to stop conception throughout her fruitful years than methods to get pregnant. in fact, when you decide the time is right, we are given to understand it will occur. in fact that is not always the situation so these are some things to show you how to conceive a girl or a boy. The first thing you need to do is visit your doctor of gynecologist for a complete physical. the lingering consequences of illnesses, sexually spread sicknesses and poor health generally can have an effect on your capability to get pregnant. Your healthcare supplier will be well placed to aid you in identifying and treat any Problems you may have. Having sex more [...]


what to do to get pregnant

I Want To Get Pregnant Naturally

You need is simple: the females trying to get pregnant tips for if you are looking for. Most importance when learning what works for me and countless other people are equally distributed. You can also be knowledgeable of certain important guides will start I Want To Get Pregnant Naturally trying to have a child is [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Mr. December, cruising de Nile.

Mr. December is on the Egyptian River Cruise, big-time. He's insisted on repeating the home pregnancy tests every other day, sometimes twice a day. Yes, the test line still pops up immediately (and oddly, the control line takes a few minutes). But was he satisfied? Nuh-uh.

"This test is pretty sensitive," he said thoughtfully. "Let's dilute the pee by a factor of ten and try it again." Um, okay, so now we know that it's detecting an HCG level of at least 250. Given my estimate that I'm in the ninth or tenth week here, 250 is nothing. Frankly, neither is 2500.

At this point I just roll my eyes, pee in the cup, hand it to him, and let him have fun with the pipette. At this point I don't think I'd be surprised if some titration equipment showed up in the bathroom.


what to do to get pregnant

Maintaining Bone Health During Pregnancy

This article provides tips to maintain good bone health during pregnancy. It also suggests various ways in which bone health can be improved.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Conceive a Boy Naturally: 3 Easy Methods to Follow

For most couple who are starting their own families, preference for a male first born is common. This is why most married couples seek ways on how to conceive a boy naturally. Modern technology have provided numerous artificial ways that can assure high percent chances of conceiving a boy, however, these artificial methods can be costly. For couples who want to take chances without spending so much money, there are alternative methods that if followed correctly, would give a high percent success and definitely would not cost as much.


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The Sentinel

Published on: Thursday, December 15, 2011 Low-income women in Maryland may receive family planning services free-of-charge due to the Family planning Works Act. Delegate Heather Mizeur worked diligently to make her vision for the Family planning Works Act a reality. “I first realized that the way we were currently providing access to family plan services was a little bit backwards,” the Montgomery County democrat said. “Women of low income could only qualify for these services after they were pregnant, five years after they had their first baby. Well, that’s not doing much to help people plan for when they have their first pregnancy. so, I began doing research and pulling together the facts that they would need to do this … and we would be empowering women to have babies, tackling the low infant mortality rates and we would also be lowering the abortion rates and save the state millions of dollars so it was a win-win policy.” There is no need to create new clinics or mobile offices for these services because women can go to any local community center or family planning clinic to receive care. Women can start applying for it now and get a Medicaid card [...]


what to do to get pregnant

By: Esme

I have polycystic ovaries... The doctor told me I am fertile.. But I have been sexually active for 3 months now and I still havent gotten pregnant... What can I do??


what to do to get pregnant

Thursday, December 29, 2011

For Jeff Goodman, there indeed is life after the NFL

CHIPLEY — When speaking with Jeff Goodman, it’s difficult not to remind yourself repeatedly that he’s only 33 years old. As a young attorney fresh out of law school, Goodman was part of the team that investigated — and ultimately brought down — energy giant Enron. He then left a respected law firm to scout the Southeast for the NFL’s Denver Broncos, where he quickly ascended up the front office ladder and eventually was named the assistant general manager negotiating multimillion-dollar contracts with pro athletes. Once one of the youngest executives in the NFL, Goodman was fired unceremoniously in 2009 along with his father, Jim, a Blountstown native who had been the Broncos’ general manager. They have since returned to the Panhandle, and the younger Goodman now is a practicing criminal defense attorney in Chipley. “I don’t know what God has got in store with respect to me getting back in the league,” Goodman said. “He has a funny way of opening and closing doors. I’ll tell you I think I can do it, but right now I’ve opened my office and am having success here.” Finding his niche Goodman moved with his parents from Houston to Bonifay following his [...]


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How Do You Remove the Possibility of Triplets From IVF?

Multiple pregnancies-such as having twins or triplets-is a concern for many couples or individuals who undergo fertility procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF). The rate of multiple births has risen in recent times thanks probably to the advancements in fertility procedures and treatments. So how do you reduce your risk of having more than one child or more than two children through a single session of various fertility procedures.


what to do to get pregnant

Perils, pleasures of winter: Weather forces unhappy bus passengers to travel in circles

›› View photos: Red Cross cold weather shelter ›› Photos: Snow in El Paso Simone Thomas became a victim of Friday’s winter storm, which left El Paso under a 3-inch blanket of snow. Thomas, who was trying to get to Phoenix, and about 350 other travelers were expected to spend the night at the El Paso convention center after they were stranded in El Paso. Today, they will wait to see whether there is a chance for them to get to their destinations for the holidays. Meteorologists at the National Weather Service in Santa Teresa are predicting a 30 percent chance of snow before 11 a.m. today. the high is expected to be near 38 degrees with partly sunny skies. Tonight the temperature will drop to 20 degrees. On Friday, Thomas boarded three buses, and every time she ended up back at the Greyhound bus station in Downtown El Paso. “They were supposed to take me through Las Cruces, N.M., but they couldn’t get there,” Thomas said. “They brought us here and then they tried to leave again. they said, ‘We don’t know, but we’re going to try,’ and we had to come back again. I’ve left and come back [...]


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Center For IVF

In life a big step is taken if a couple decide to visit an IVF center. IVF center is the in vitro fertilization center. It is for starting a new family that a couple may have to visit such a center. Feelings of intimidation and confusion are experienced even if it is going to be an exciting time visiting the center. Before you actually visit the infertility clinic an appointment with the doctor needs to be scheduled.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Get Pregnant Fast? ? 3 Steps to Support Pregnancy

‘How to get pregnant?’ and ‘will I ever get pregnant fast?’- These are tough questions interrogated by a woman who is devoid of pregnancy chance following wedlock. Keeping off the ‘dream day’ makes a different theme. But if any woman with all aspirations for fast pregnancy goes on dreaming for ‘dream baby’, the situation of delaying to conceive sooner cannot be digested by any couple. The delay to become a ‘would be mother’ may be anxiety making with the parents too. Delayed pregnancy or getting not pregnant may be accounted with various reasons. Whatever may be the reason, it is a problem creating situation among the couple. Internal problems within the family such as misunderstanding, ill treating the partner, blaming the other partner, and getting depressed with the inability for conceiving may arise. To the worst of all, either one of the partners may be compelled to seek a way out from family life by approaching court for divorce. so, it would be very bad if you were not conceiving earlier than you thought of. it could be a nice thing if steps were taken for conceiving fast and breaking anxieties of people around you in your family. that way, [...]


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Moving day

I've gone here. See you on the other side!


what to do to get pregnant



what to do to get pregnant

Perils, pleasures of winter: Weather forces unhappy bus passengers to travel in circles

›› View photos: Red Cross cold weather shelter ›› Photos: Snow in El Paso Simone Thomas became a victim of Friday’s winter storm, which left El Paso under a 3-inch blanket of snow. Thomas, who was trying to get to Phoenix, and about 350 other travelers were expected to spend the night at the El Paso convention center after they were stranded in El Paso. Today, they will wait to see whether there is a chance for them to get to their destinations for the holidays. Meteorologists at the National Weather Service in Santa Teresa are predicting a 30 percent chance of snow before 11 a.m. today. the high is expected to be near 38 degrees with partly sunny skies. Tonight the temperature will drop to 20 degrees. On Friday, Thomas boarded three buses, and every time she ended up back at the Greyhound bus station in Downtown El Paso. “They were supposed to take me through Las Cruces, N.M., but they couldn’t get there,” Thomas said. “They brought us here and then they tried to leave again. they said, ‘We don’t know, but we’re going to try,’ and we had to come back again. I’ve left and come back [...]


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 April

The US Department of Labor announced that it will explicitly prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of gender identity within the department. new equal employment opportunity policies, signed by Secretary Hilda Solis, include updated policies on prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender identity and pregnancy. “we applaud Secretary Solis for acting with fairness and equity for its employees,” said Masen Davis, Executive Director of the Transgender Law Center. “we look forward to continuing to work with the administration to respond to the employment-related needs of all Americans?including transgender Americans?and ensure equal access to federal employment programs for everyone.” “I am expressing my personal commitment to ensure that the U.S. Department of Labor is a model workplace, free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, which fosters a work environment that fully utilizes the capabilities of every employee,” said Secretary Solis. “It is my goal that we achieve and maintain a high-quality, diverse workforce at all organizational levels throughout the department.” 2011 April Posts Related to 2011 AprilLegislation would set rules for shackling of incarcerated pregnant womenAdvocates for legislation that would create humane rules for the shackling of incarcerated pregnant women say the law would fill a present gap in [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Music & Motion: Early childhood programs benefit children, parents

my mother laughed when I told her I signed up my then 4-month-old son for a Kindermusik class in Modesto. She wondered how much a baby could learn at that age and said most of the benefit must be for the parents. While I have to admit that the chance to meet other parents of infants was one of the attractions, research says the program and others like it do pay dividends. the babies’ brain cells build powerful connections that will help them later in life. it helps them with rhythm and balance and the beginnings of language. my younger sister started Suzuki violin lessons when she was only 3. Though she gave the instrument up when she grew older, she told me she’s glad she took the lessons because she learned an appreciation for music. others have said the lessons taught them self-confidence and discipline. Cherrie Llewellyn, a voice professor at Modesto Junior College, has enrolled her 3-year-old son, Aidan, in both programs. She signed him up for Kindermusik when she was pregnant and brought him to his first class when he was just 2 months old. He started Suzuki cello lessons a few months ago. “It helps with [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Beyonc� Said To Be Delivering Her Baby Girl Any Second Now

It’s Pregnanc� no more because reports are coming thick and fast that Beyonc� is having her baby ? with talk that she’s probably crowning this very moment! with nurses and security at New York’s St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital being advised to prepare themselves for a high-profile client checking in to give birth late yesterday, word? more


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I Don't Do This Often...


what to do to get pregnant

How To Get Pregnant Fast ? Pregnancy Tips

When you are trying to get pregnant it can be a stressful time. This is especially so if you have been trying for a significant period of time. The worst thing you can do at this point is to get stressed out. I know that is easier said than done, but when you think of? more


what to do to get pregnant

Circle + Bloom Announces 35% Holiday Discount Offer on Women?s Health CDs and Mp3s

Circle + Bloom’s 35% Holiday Discount Offer on Women’s Health CDs and Mp3s article was featured on, December 2, 2011 Circle + Bloom announced it will be running for a limited time a 35% discount on all of their doctor recommended mind+body audio CDs and Mp3 programs. Andover, MA (I-Newswire) December 2, 2011 – [...]


what to do to get pregnant

What Do You Need To Know About Pregnancy Tests?

Pregnancy test detects the presence of the new hormone in your body, human chorionic gonadotrophin HCG, in your urine. HCG is formed by the cells which will form your baby's placenta.


what to do to get pregnant

By: Dr. Allison Rosen, MD

Yes, you should continue taking FertiBella at any time during your cycle. You can begin your month 1 blue bottle of pills at any time in your cycle. When you are finished, move on to the pink bottle, month 2. Once you find out that you are pregnant, discontinue using FertiBella and switch to prenatal vitamins to ensure your body receives all the right vitamins and minerals while you are pregnant.


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The Lights are On and Somebody's Home


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Can Your Shampoo Effect Your Chance of Conceiving?


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Healthy Pregnancy

Making healthy choices is extremely important during pregnancy. During the holiday season it can sometimes be hard to keep up because of busy schedules and planned parties. Good nutrition is vital so here are a few tips to keeping healthy during the holiday season.


what to do to get pregnant

Woman Accused Of ?Accidental? Pregnancy Insists She?s No Sperm Burglar

Yesterday, we heard the bizarre story of a Long Island man who is suing the fertility clinic which he claims his ex-girlfriend used to store his “stolen” sperm. Joseph Pressil, 36, says his ex Anetria Burnett used the stolen sperm to get herself pregnant after they broke up, and then sued him for child support.? more


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Weight Loss Surgery Helps Women Overcome Infertility


what to do to get pregnant

� Liberal Hypocrisy is a Female Dog

Dear PETA: I have a neighbor who is being extremely rough with his Golden Retriever. he kicks the dog with the side of his foot whenever she is in his way. The dog weighs about 80 pounds and is not likely to be seriously harmed by the kicking. however, the dog is pregnant. is this? more


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Relieving Stress Can Help Improve Fertility - Here's How...


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Date night!

Well, Kali is still sick, but we have a prescription for antibiotics, so hopefully this will be the end of it.

She's in a big-girl bed now. The first few nights were an adventure in returning her to her bed every ten minutes. Then, inspired by Suz, I started taking away one of her stuffed toys every time she escaped the bed. When the first sheep was confiscated she cried bitterly - sobbed, really. And that was all it took. These days, if I hear her starting to tiptoe, I loudly tell Mr. December, "I need to go check on Kali. I hope she's not out of bed, I'd hate to take away her toys!" Every single time, she jumps back into bed and does a credible job of faking sleep. I'm so proud.

And tonight is date night! We're taking our chances on a comedy club, after having ruled out two plays and the symphony. Why, oh why is culture so expensive? Is it a self-perpetuating cycle where it's too expensive so nobody goes, and then since attendance is down they raise ticket prices? What a shame. I would have liked to see Colin Mochrie perform at Canstage tonight. Alas, we weren't in the mood to spend $150 and not even eat anything.

So hopefully I'll be laughing hard enough to pee my pants (a likely outcome, given that Cletus is kicking me in the bladder these days), and avoiding yet another evening saying, "we should really get out sometime."


what to do to get pregnant

How to Speak French Fluently -Things To Know � All About Everything

To accomplish mastery and command of French and be in a position to speak it fluently takes certain effort and, most importantly, the time. How to attain this goal is not a simple question. Fluency in French is a state when you get a almost absolute feel of the language and its nuance and are? more


what to do to get pregnant

By: Ash

What does it mean when u have alot of discharge it's clear


what to do to get pregnant

Monday, December 26, 2011

Causes of Infertility in Women - 3 Tips to Improve Fertility

There can be many different causes of infertility in women and many of the cases are often unexplained infertility. Here are some common causes of infertility that might be preventing you from getting pregnant.


what to do to get pregnant

Woman Accused Of ?Accidental? Pregnancy Insists She?s No Sperm Burglar

Yesterday, we heard the bizarre story of a Long Island man who is suing the fertility clinic which he claims his ex-girlfriend used to store his “stolen” sperm. Joseph Pressil, 36, says his ex Anetria Burnett used the stolen sperm to get herself pregnant after they broke up, and then sued him for child support.? more


what to do to get pregnant

Date night!

Well, Kali is still sick, but we have a prescription for antibiotics, so hopefully this will be the end of it.

She's in a big-girl bed now. The first few nights were an adventure in returning her to her bed every ten minutes. Then, inspired by Suz, I started taking away one of her stuffed toys every time she escaped the bed. When the first sheep was confiscated she cried bitterly - sobbed, really. And that was all it took. These days, if I hear her starting to tiptoe, I loudly tell Mr. December, "I need to go check on Kali. I hope she's not out of bed, I'd hate to take away her toys!" Every single time, she jumps back into bed and does a credible job of faking sleep. I'm so proud.

And tonight is date night! We're taking our chances on a comedy club, after having ruled out two plays and the symphony. Why, oh why is culture so expensive? Is it a self-perpetuating cycle where it's too expensive so nobody goes, and then since attendance is down they raise ticket prices? What a shame. I would have liked to see Colin Mochrie perform at Canstage tonight. Alas, we weren't in the mood to spend $150 and not even eat anything.

So hopefully I'll be laughing hard enough to pee my pants (a likely outcome, given that Cletus is kicking me in the bladder these days), and avoiding yet another evening saying, "we should really get out sometime."


what to do to get pregnant

Causes of Infertility in Women - 3 Tips to Improve Fertility

There can be many different causes of infertility in women and many of the cases are often unexplained infertility. Here are some common causes of infertility that might be preventing you from getting pregnant.


what to do to get pregnant

Do 3D and 4D Scans Have Any Further Risks When Compared to Regular 2D Scans?

The 3D and 4D ultrasound scans are more advanced than the 2D as the mother gets to see a clearer picture of the womb. The scan works by having a machine produce the ultrasound and create an image of the examined area.


what to do to get pregnant

By: Amykins



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Pregnancy Advice for Newlyweds

Many newly married couples think about having a baby. Others are eager and excited to welcome them into the world, while others wait for the right time.


what to do to get pregnant

Ideas for Naturally Inducing Labour

Other methods women have used include acupressure and eating spicy foods, but watch out for possible nausea with spicy food and medical research has not yet supported this idea as definitely being beneficial. Walking a wee bit more than usual and slowly swinging your hips from side to side can help induce labour by stimulating your baby and getting her moving into the birthing position.


what to do to get pregnant

How Newsmen Might Have Covered The Story

How Newsmen Might have Covered The Story Tuesday, December 20, 2011 10:02 AM CST Not much going On in BethlehemEditor’s Note: The two stories on this page were written by former Booneville Democrat general manager Joe Norton and editor Terry Hoggatt. The two articles offer views of the Christmas season as perhaps could only be? more


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Can Kissing Help You Conceive?


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Sugar Contributes to Infertility + Tips for Avoiding Sugar Overload for the Holidays

Sugar contributes to infertility?! That?s right, consuming sugar regularly may lead to infertility, or make fertility issues you already have worse. As we move through the holiday season, we are bombarded with little treats filled with refined sugar at every turn. The cakes, cookies, cocktails, wine, fudge, candies; the list goes on. So why even [...]


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How to Eat Birthday Cake


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Cure Infertility - 4 Tips To Reverse Infertility

Many women have faced unexplained infertility. Many of them often find themselves stressed out finding the right solution. The process to cure infertility is very difficult if you don't know the right method, because it is akin to fighting an uphill battle and usually efforts do not pay off. Here are 4 tips that will help you in your journey to cure infertility.


what to do to get pregnant

By: Ash

What does it mean when u have alot of discharge it's clear


what to do to get pregnant

Column: How shutting your facehole can enhance the holiday

In a few days the lucky amongst us will be surrounded by family, food and presents. The anticipation of the younguns is at a fever pitch, while the adults look to their faith, medicine cabinet or combination of the two to get through the whole thing. Some families are collectively smart enough to cordon off? more


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First Birthday Party Planning, Interviewing, Octopus Eating.


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How to Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally

Several couples in fact obsess over acquiring twins. Envision how incredible it truly is to determine two children expanding up aspect by aspect. However, you ought to also know that several pregnancy comes with dangers and difficulties which consist of premature birth and preeclampsia. You’ll be able to how to get pregnant with twins together? more


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

8 Ways to Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Only women who have actually experienced pregnancy can understand how much their bodies, hormones, and systems changed in preparation for giving birth. After the birth, hormone levels decrease, your body starts resuming its previous shape, and things that were put on hold while you were pregnant get back to normal operation. This includes your hair. It was definitely affected by the hormonal changes in that it didn't fall out on a regular basis like it does in its non-pregnancy state. Inevitably, about 75% of women who give birth will notice hair loss about 3-4 months later.


what to do to get pregnant

{Video} Fertility Meditation Through the Chakras

Let Dalene guide in you meditation through the chakras for healthy fertility. This relaxing and empowering meditation, will help you to view your fertility in a positive way. Let go and heal negative thought patterns, so that you can go forward with clarity, strength and love for yourself and your fertility journey. Helpful Articles- Stress [...]


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buzz games free online . kids games . 7 Super-fun Kids Game Sites��

Having preschoolers or significant organization kids, only get rid of may possibly vacation wishing pretty something according to trend of bread toasted the afternoon take off throughout a youthful quicker, and also at the same time according to some cases a bit more interactive than popping less than a Disney hint at the procedure childhood? more


what to do to get pregnant

Can a Woman Who Has Endometriosis Still Conceive a Child?

While it's no secret that one of the symptoms of endometriosis for many women is infertility, not all women with the disease are unable to conceive a child. A large amount of infertile women who undergo a laparoscopy to determine possible causes of their inability to get pregnant are found to have this condition, according to some reports. In fact, many women with the disease do not know they have it until they are diagnosed upon seeing a fertility specialist to help them figure out why they're struggling to get pregnant.


what to do to get pregnant

Finding God in this journey

This frustrating and painfully long 8-year journey has certainly led me somewhere good – to God. Yes, I have cursed at him and expressed my confusion at his choices of whom to impregnate with great regularity. But over the past 6 months I have felt a great calling. And I am beginning to trust in [...]


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How Walking Helps Fussy Babies

Life with a new baby is a new, wonderful experience, but it can also be very challenging. It's not always easy to figure out how to soothe your baby and keep yourself feeling relaxed, calm, and confident. There is one technique, however, that costs nothing and can keep both you and your baby relaxed. Here's why and how walking works.


what to do to get pregnant

Pregnancy Gender Predictions - Fact or Fiction

For pregnant parents it can be fun to guess and wander about the gender of their new arrival. Since the beginning ages, it has been plausible to try several different variations of predicting the pregnancy gender.


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Scenes with the in-laws

Well, I'm heavily pregnant and hormonal, and mothers' day has just passed, which means it must be time to gripe about the in-laws. (Really, I know that my joy in doing this is one of my major spiritual failures. I conquered envy this year, next year I'll work on the in-law thing.) Rather than editorialize, I'm just going to give you the actual scripts. Enjoy... in that schadenfreudische way that blog readers do...

MIL: You don't use a wipe every time you change her diaper, do you?
Decemberbaby: Yes, we do.
MIL: I mean, I'll wipe if there's poo, but otherwise, do you really need to?
December: Would you wipe yourself if you'd been sitting in pee for a couple of hours?
MIL: I guess so...


December: Um, Kali woke up soaking wet this morning. Why did you put her to sleep in a swim diaper?
MIL: I didn't see any other diapers where you usually have them.
December: Well, there was a bag of new diapers on the floor next to the change table, and there's a basket of cloth diapers there too.
MIL: I didn't think you were using the cloth ones anymore.
December: They're a lot more absorbent than swim diapers. Swim diapers actually only hold solid waste. Did you know that?
MIL: well, there weren't any other diapers.
December: *facepalm* Okay, next time just call my cellphone if you can't find something.


December: The carseat looks a little off kilter. Did you guys re-install it?
MIL: No, we don't even know how.
December: (lifting the carseat up off the seat and moving it around) Well, it's not connected to the car except by the top tether. In a collision she'd probably just fly up and hit the ceiling with the weight of the carseat behind her.
MIL: Who would disconnect it?
December: It was installed with the seatbelt... probably one of your passengers disconnected it by accident while trying to undo their own seatbelt.
MIL: I don't remember having any passengers recently...
December: did it look or feel off centre when you put Kali in this morning?
MIL: You know, I didn't look.


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Relieving Stress Can Help Improve Fertility - Here's How...


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Your Questions About How To Get Pregnant

Betty asks? Tips to determine gender of the next baby? My aunt told me the doctor once confided to her the tricks of intercourse where it’ll determine whether you’ll get pregnant with a bor or a girl. Does anyone know what they are? Something like lay on your left side a week before your period’s? more


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How Can You Get Pregnant? ? 4 Tips For a Faster Pregnancy

Many other women like yourself want to get pregnant, but are having trouble making this happen. you may be wondering how you can get pregnant. there are a few tricks out there that may help you get pregnant faster. These are things that many women have tried and have had great success at getting pregnant? more


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whiskey tango foxtrot?

I was able to get to the bottom of this bloodwork issue today, thanks to the original doctor's incompetence (or should I say, "complete lack of common sense"?).

My psychiatrist faxed the bloodwork results to my midwives. I'm still not sure why, except that since she kept saying "I want you to have a copy to show your midwife" I assumed it was something relevant to my prenatal care, and therefore told her to fax it to them when she suggested I drive downtown, pay for parking, and pick up the stupid thing myself.

So... the "deficiencies"? My vitamin B12 is at a level that the lab guidelines classify as "possibly indicating deficiency", and my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is 3.25, right in the middle of the lab's "normal" range of 0.5-5.0. The doctor's note on the front, addressed to my midwives, states that "patient should be started immediately on intramuscular B12 injections, and should be referred to Dr. Y___ for endocrinology follow-up."

Now, before any of you Google MDs start typing out your responses, let me say that I understand that both the B12 guidelines and the TSH range have been recently (or not-so-recently) criticized as being outdated and inaccurate, and doctors are advocating revamping and tightening the guidelines. The current guidelines, it seems, originally included a number of people who had what were called "subclinical" cases of deficiency or whatever.

HOWEVER... neither of these bloodwork results is alarming enough to warrant calling a patient and insisting that she needs to come in the next day to discuss, all said in a panicky tone of voice. And to my mind, neither of these things needs to be addressed right this second, when I'm 39 weeks pregnant and I'm likely to be facing wildly fluctuating hormone levels in the next little while. And finally, neither of these things is something that my midwives can or should really address. They can't make the direct referral to edocrinology, and they don't have the expertise in thyroid stuff to know whether they should. IM B12 injections are also not within their scope of practice, I think. So why on earth did my psychiatrist a) freak me out with her whole "I need to see you tomorrow" drama, and b) suggest/insist on involving my midwives?

I feel like the answer is to accept that my psychiatrist is generally high-strung and anxious, and either ask my family doc for a new psychiatric referral or brace myself for more lapses in common sense.

What would you do? And would you bitch out the psychiatrist, if you were me?


what to do to get pregnant

moving on to IVF

�To be honest, I feel so jealous of my 14 year old pregnant neighbour. Today is her baby shower and she looks so pretty in her pregnant dress. I wonder what it would be like to feel pregnant and have a baby growing in me and here this little girl gets to experience it. Oh, [...]


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Almost One Year...


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Tubal Ligation Reversal to Treat Infertility in Women

Many couples today are facing infertility. Both males and females are plagued with the condition. With the advancement of science and technology there are a number of infertility treatment options available today.


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I Can't Talk for Long...


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Casting For Couples Trying to Get Pregnant


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Fertility Treatment of No Benefit?


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Almost One Year...


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Ferility Secrets

What kind of information can you expect to get from a report on Fertility Options?
Well, you can expect to get accurate, factual information about some of the most popular fertility options. What are those options?
The most common fertility options include:

IVF, or In-Vitro Fertilization
AI, or Artificial Insemination
Surrogacy and Third Party Donors
Living Child Free

Each of these fertility [...]


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What Is Labor Like? My Labor Experience

My experience of pregnancy and labor with the methods I used to stay healthy. I also feel these methods helped me experience a straight forward easy labor.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Quit Smoking to Protect Your Fertility

It is a well known fact that smoking has been linked to causing many health problems, but did you know it can also have detrimental health risk for your fertility? Smoking cigarettes while trying to conceive increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, decreased follicle count, and potential damage to DNA in the follicle. In [...]


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Bucks NHS is urging pregnant women to get flu jab

Weather for Aylesbury Friday 23 December 2011 Temperature: 2 C to 11 C Saturday 24 December 2011 Temperature: 5 C to 8 C Wind direction: South west Sunday 25 December 2011 Temperature: 8 C to 11 C Wind direction: South west Monday 26 December 2011 Temperature: 7 C to 11 C Wind direction: South west? more


what to do to get pregnant

Using Your PH to Conceive a Baby Boy

Methods for conceiving a son are everywhere, but diet is one natural method that the science seems to back up. One of the reasons diet may work well is because you can use it to influence the pH levels of your body -- and certain pH levels favor boys.


what to do to get pregnant

Using Your PH to Conceive a Baby Boy

Methods for conceiving a son are everywhere, but diet is one natural method that the science seems to back up. One of the reasons diet may work well is because you can use it to influence the pH levels of your body -- and certain pH levels favor boys.


what to do to get pregnant

Gender Selection Secrets

Some people never think about choosing the sex of their baby. They are happy with either a boy or a girl, and simply aren’t interested in trying to swing the scales in their favor one way or another. However, there are those people who would love to be able to choose the sex of their [...]


what to do to get pregnant

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Pregnant ? Tips on Easiest Way to Get Pregnant Fast

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Pregnant – Tips on Easiest Way to Get Pregnant Fast To conceive a child, a life in your body, is a natural process. And just like any other natural process, it takes time, patience and happens on its own. Couples, who are trying for getting pregnant, can however [...]


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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

See How to Fall Pregnant Fast

This article covers elements that will help with improving the time it takes to get pregnant. Find out ways of getting pregnant quickly.


what to do to get pregnant

Droku Magazine � See The Best Way to Get Pregnant Immediately

Getting pregnant can be an irritating event, most especially if you suffer a loss. However it’s not too late. if you have suffered from previous chronic miscarriages, trying so you can begin a family in the late 30′s or 40′s, or perhaps tried IVF as well as IUI steps with small chance, the following 4? more


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Is IUI Right for You?

Many people find themselves asking if IUI is right for them. In order to know for sure whether IUI is right for you, you are going to want to make sure that you are learning as much as you can about it. Therefore, you will be able to make a decision that you will not regret. This is a very personal decision and one that should not be taken lightly. You will want to discuss the pros and cons of IUI, together as a couple, before moving forward.


what to do to get pregnant

Finding God in this journey

This frustrating and painfully long 8-year journey has certainly led me somewhere good – to God. Yes, I have cursed at him and expressed my confusion at his choices of whom to impregnate with great regularity. But over the past 6 months I have felt a great calling. And I am beginning to trust in [...]


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Are You Eating These Fertility Foods?


what to do to get pregnant


“Your baby is one week old” an email from Babycentre told me. on Saturday this at least raised a smile, now just thinking about it makes me dissolve into floods of tears. I’m 41 weeks and 3 days pregnant – a whole 10 days over my due date, just like I was with my daughter? more


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By: Dr. Lynette Weiss, MD

The #1 key to how to get pregnant is timing ovulation correctly. I can't stress this enough. Be sure to chart your ovulation days with an ovulation calculator and have sex around your ovulation days (which is the only time you can get pregnant).

You'll also want to make sure no lifestyle factors are interfering with your ability to become pregnant. Focus on stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation. Quit smoking or moderate to heavy drinking. Eat a healthy diet and exercise two or three times a week. Be sure to chart your ovulation days and have sex during your ovulation days (which is the only time you can get pregnant).

Next, you may want to try a fertility aid like FertiBella, which can help stimulate ovulation and increase your chances to get pregnant faster. Your last course of action will be checking to see if there is a fallopian tube or cervical obstruction, or having your partner checked for male infertility issues.


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Ow, it hurts...

And no, I'm not in labour.

In addition to the crazy menstrual-like crampiness, I've now got crazy pressure going on "down there"... (TMI coming up) I keep going to the bathroom, sitting there, and then realizing after ten minutes that I already pooped plenty today, this is just pressure. And it is. And it's killing me. Ow.

So... do I haul out "ye olde breast pumpe" and see if I can stir up some contractions that way? I'd feel so... hypocritical. Up until a couple of weeks ago, my attitude was, "the baby will be born when it's ready, and it's just wrong to try to force a natural process." Now that I'm here, at 40 weeks exactly, and not just uncomfortable but in actual pain, I'm feeling almost ready to give in to the selfish impulse to "self-induce".

That's all... just a whine. Have a great day, everyone.


what to do to get pregnant

How To Conceive Son

S this is a critical if you are ready to conceive. Through this exciting the sperm production and by increasing fertility. So if you are having problems. Know Exactly When You Ovulate: If you do not take Vitamin E has the position to help you believe me when can you get pregnant quickly and other [...]


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Getting ?the talk? from books

My parents never gave me “the talk.” Based on the awkwardstories I’ve heard and knowing my own parents, I think I’m prettylucky. the fallopian tubes scene from the Amanda Bynes movie”Sydney White” never happened, nor did the tennis conversation from”American Pie.” I would probably have locked myself in my room withFall Out Boy’s “7 Minutes? more


what to do to get pregnant

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fertility Treatment of No Benefit?


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Yes, exactly. Basically painless contractions. Every fifteen minutes.

I know this can go on for a long, long time without me being in active labour. And by a long, long time I mean weeks... but just in case, I'm going to go take a nap.


what to do to get pregnant

Mamma Mia!

Now, it could be the music, or the fact that the entire set and most of the costumes were in my favourite colour scheme, or the half-naked singing and dancing Colin Firth. It could be any of those things... but why split hairs? I've just finished watching Mamma Mia (the movie), and I feel marginally less awful.

I'm on self-imposed bedrest today. Given the fact that I have a babysitter here til Kali's bedtime it just seems wise. I hope to be well enough tomorrow that I can actually take care of Kali all day instead of having to pawn her off on the grandparents like I did all weekend. I miss my little girl.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Improve Chances of Conception: What to Know When Trying to Get Pregnant

When you want to enter the world of parenting, you should be aware of few simple things to make your way easier. Following lines will increase your awareness and help you to understand your body better, so you can bypass the obstacles many people face. Here's what you should know when trying to get pregnant...


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Best Ways to Get Pregnant

Are you trying to have a baby? There are many ways to get pregnant and give your body the best chance of conceiving. this article will go over some of the best ways you can increase your fertility and finally have that baby of your dreams. The most common misconception when it comes to trying? more


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Downton Abbey actress Amy Nuttall: From Downton to uptown

by Jane Gordon Last updated at 8:55 PM on 17th December 2011 Successfully ascending to prestigious theatre with a part in the old Vic’s revival of Michael Frayn’s classic comedy Noises Off, Downton Abbey’s Amy Nuttall has come a long way from her ‘soap siren’ days, as Jane Gordon discovers ‘I have to shut myself? more


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So my sex ed teacher was right?

I don't think I ever told you about my last visit to the midwife after Nati's birth, when she said "we'd love to see you back again, but preferably not within the next year..." and then asked about birth control, to which I responded that not paying $10K for fertility treatment seems to work for me. She launched into "it could happen, blah blah blah" and I assured her that no, it probably wouldn't.

But it did.

Apparently, if you've got polycystic ovaries, require ovulation stimulation, and have an abysmally low fertilization rate with IVF (but no ICSI), you can still conceive spontaneously while you're exclusively nursing a six-month-old baby.

I'll spare you the long narrative about how I asked Mr. December to bring an HPT down with him, wherupon he sighed and reminded me that we've been through this before (we have, and the HPT is always negative). How I finally took the test a few days after Mr. D arrived, just for the heck of it, how the test line came up immediately, and how Mr. December excused himself for a moment to scream in another room before coming back, hugging me, and speaking the words I'll never forget:

"We are in so much trouble."


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How Can I Get Pregnant With Twins

Ot everyone’s genetic code for Breast Cancer can be used for this reason healing herbsHealing herbs has been unable to get pregnant no matter) is to really want to get pregnant to other technique which you can familiar with trying – it can increases. Ovulation predictor kit which you can improvements and vitamins is advantageous [...]


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Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Deal With Advice During Pregnancy

You're pregnant and thrilled about it. Once you've gotten the positive pregnancy test, or maybe once you're through your first trimester, you're thrilled to share it with others. And they're also thrilled! But with the excitement comes something you may not be as happy about: advice. In general, advice can be a good thing to get, but when you're expecting a baby you tend to get a lot of unwanted advice.


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Choose a Baby Doll Coat During Your Pregnancy

The latest craze in coat styles has to be the baby doll coat, and even though it looks great on the average woman, it can look even better when you are pregnant. Try a baby doll coat during your pregnancy and you will love it so much you will want to keep wearing even after the baby is born.


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