Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Music & Motion: Early childhood programs benefit children, parents

my mother laughed when I told her I signed up my then 4-month-old son for a Kindermusik class in Modesto. She wondered how much a baby could learn at that age and said most of the benefit must be for the parents. While I have to admit that the chance to meet other parents of infants was one of the attractions, research says the program and others like it do pay dividends. the babies’ brain cells build powerful connections that will help them later in life. it helps them with rhythm and balance and the beginnings of language. my younger sister started Suzuki violin lessons when she was only 3. Though she gave the instrument up when she grew older, she told me she’s glad she took the lessons because she learned an appreciation for music. others have said the lessons taught them self-confidence and discipline. Cherrie Llewellyn, a voice professor at Modesto Junior College, has enrolled her 3-year-old son, Aidan, in both programs. She signed him up for Kindermusik when she was pregnant and brought him to his first class when he was just 2 months old. He started Suzuki cello lessons a few months ago. “It helps with [...]


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