Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tips From Experienced Mothers

When a woman is expecting a child the stress level she experiences is different depending on whether she has had children before. Oftentimes an expecting woman who has previously delivered and raised children is not as stressed as a first time mom who has never experienced birth or taking care of a newborn.


what to do to get pregnant

Do Middle Aged Men Conceive More Girl Babies?

I sometimes hear from people who want help in gauging their chances or odds of conceiving the gender of their choice. Sometimes, they think they have special circumstances which might make their odds better or worse for what they are trying to achieve. One example of these special circumstances is the age of the father-to-be. I heard from a woman who said "I just married a man who is middle aged. He already has grown children from a previous marriage. We would like to conceive and we are hoping for a girl. His previous children are boys. This is discouraging, but I have heard that the older a man is, the more likely he is to have a girl. Is this true, why or why not?"


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Spotting During Early Pregnancy - Reasons for Vaginal Bleeding

Many complications can occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. It is important to understand what is normal and what should be cause for concern. Spotting during early pregnancy can occur during many normal pregnancies, but there are times when a woman should be concerned. There are many reasons for vaginal bleeding, and some of these reasons can be very mild, while some can mean that the pregnancy is being threatened. It is always important to seek the advice of a doctor when spotting during early pregnancy does occur, to be sure that there is not a serious condition to be concerned about. Below is a list of common reasons that can cause vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.


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thanks to kind-hearted surrogate

Amazing  – but rather complicated – story of how 12-week-olds have united three families By Lauren Paxman Last updated at 2:22 PM on 17th November 2011 Two years ago Carolyn Savage gave birth to another couple’s baby. and now a surrogate mother has returned the favour by giving birth to twins. But the exchange is? more


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Guest Blog by Helen Adrienne – Author, On Fertile Ground: Healing Infertility Interest in the placebo effect in general medical care has undergone resurgence in recent years as emphasis on the mind/body connection has come to the center of medical science. When state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques are used to study the placebo effect, the involvement [...]


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Tips For Getting Pregnant After 30 � My blog about getting pregnant

You will be lots of kinds of food to get pregnant they can control certainly are many reasons why you can’t have children may want to try to improve fertility in both women and may damage there are 12 opportunities for miscarriage. Even those available without a fertility sperm can live between the 11th and? more


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4 Common Nursing Problems, Plus Solutions

There are several methods for getting a baby to form a proper latch, but the most common one involves these steps: (1) Hold the baby in a feeding position. (2) Compress the end of the breast to give it a more bottle-like shape...


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Getting Pregnant After Forties??? Pregnancy And Giving Birth After Forties 40?.how To Have Healthy Baby After Forties?

Getting Pregnant After Forties??? Pregnancy And Giving Birth After Forties 40….how To Have Healthy Baby After Forties? Getting Pregnant After Forties??? Pregnancy and Giving Birth After Forties 40….How to�Have Healthy Baby After Forties? Getting pregnant after forties 40+ has it’s own advantages like more financial security, and a�stabilized career.�If a woman ‘ve been with�her partner [...]


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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We scare up a few unusal suspects for fun frights

For a time of year that?s all about fun frights, Halloween can sometimes get a bit, well, predictable. Mind you, we?re not knocking little trick-or-treaters or grown-up costume parties. But another drive to the South side ghost tracks? Been there, done that, got the baby powder off the bumper. And that umpteenth retelling of La? more


what to do to get pregnant

Cure Morning Sickness With Pregnancy Massage Techniques And Other Tips

During pregnancy a majority of women will suffer from some form of morning sickness. There are many techniques to help reduce the effects, including prenatal massages, so you should find something here to help with the nausea. Here are a few ideas of the best remedies I have found.


what to do to get pregnant

{Video} Tips for Balanced Estrogen

Learn tips for balancing estrogen for fertility. In this two part video, Herbalist Dalene Barton will help you to learn about the role of your own naturally produced endogenous estrogen, what xenoestrogens are, and the role phytoestrogens play for the health of our fertility. You will also learn why cleansing is extremely important for balanced [...]


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A Brief Summary of an Entire Month During Which a Lot Has Happened.


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Almost One Year...


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Pregnancy Blogs - Get the 411 on Being a Mum!

Being pregnant is awesome, but the truth is that your body starts to undergo a lot of changes and you can get confused and not know exactly what to do. The internet is a real blessing because it offers you the opportunity to read pregnancy blogs and other resources that can help you know all there is to know about being pregnant. Here are some of the things that you can learn from reading pregnancy blogs:


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Early Pregnancy Symptom ? Signs Tell That you are Pregnant

Early Pregnancy Symptom ? Signs Tell That you are Pregnant If you are expecting pregnancy, you might be undergoing some body changes and experience early pregnancy symptoms. Many women tend to ignore some of the symptoms that they come across after conceiving and fail to detect their pregnancy. Therefore, it is essential to take a [...]


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Yes, exactly. Basically painless contractions. Every fifteen minutes.

I know this can go on for a long, long time without me being in active labour. And by a long, long time I mean weeks... but just in case, I'm going to go take a nap.


what to do to get pregnant

NIAW: "Just Lie With Your Hips Up for 20 Minutes after Sex"...and Other Bull-Dookey We Believed.


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Monday, November 28, 2011

The Relationship Between Age And Infertility

The longer women wait, however, the greater the odds are against them becoming pregnant - at least naturally. A large reason for this is that the older a woman becomes, the more her eggs deteriorate and become susceptible to abnormalities.


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Could Your Weight Be Affecting Your Ability To Conceive?

Are you at the end of your rope and thinking that getting pregnant may not be in the cards for you? Are you tired of seeing and having to congratulate your friends and neighbors on their pregnancies while being upset that this isn't happening for you? Infertility in women is caused by many factors and one of them is weight. Weight and infertility is an important aspect to consider if you have been attempting to conceive for a long time. Could your weight be affecting your ability to conceive? Find out in this article.


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Uterine lining, implantation issues and hormonal injections

Apart from poor endometrial receptivity which I wrote about in a previous article apparently there are other factors which can affect the quality of the lining. As most women trying to conceive a baby know, estrogen and progesterone are critical factors in uterine lining and implantation. Adequate estrogen is required early in the cycle to [...]


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Birth Story

Why am I awake at 1 a.m. typing up a birth story? Um, can I blame my birth high and all those natural endorphins? My men (one big, one little) and my little girl are all asleep, and here I am. Since I can't sleep I might as well get the story down while I remember. Right?

So we all know that this morning I had general menstrual-type achiness and major pressure. Painful, annoying, but not convincingly labour at all. I hung out at my computer and looked at double stroller reviews on Amazon.

It dawned on me sometime around noon that the achiness was actually coming in waves, and I started to time them. Hmm... six to eight minutes apart. They hurt, but they really only seemed to involve my lower abdomen, so I was unconvinced that these were "real" contractions. I decided I'd take a bath and see what happened... but first I had to round up the bathmats (hanging on the clothesline outside), get the clean towels from the dryer and fold them, and hey, maybe I should wash out the tub and clean up the bathroom just in case...

By the time I was finished with those nesting endeavours, it was 2:15 and the contractions were coming every four minutes. I got in the tub. Did I mention I was home alone?

And then... the contractions slowed way down. Ten minutes. Fifteen. Eleven. Four. Four. Four?!?!?!?! I finally called Mr. December and told him to come home from work. I paged the midwives, who said it still sounded like early labour. They promised to arrive in about an hour.

Mr. December came home, and I promptly sent him out for food - today was supposed to be grocery shopping day. While he was gone, the contractions started getting pretty intense - at the height of each, I'd feel a few moments of nausea. I checked the clock and noted that they were about three minutes apart, lasting 90 to 120 seconds each time.

By the time Mr. D was back, I was starting to swear at the beginning of each contraction. A new mantra came to me: "It's just the baby moving down. It's just the baby. I'm not dying, it's just the baby." Mr. D paged the midwives again and told them things had picked up. Fortunately they were only minutes away.

Around 4 p.m. I got out of the tub and made my way to the bedroom where I fully intended to put the plastic sheets on the bed. Really, I did intend to, but I kept getting interrupted by contractions that took my breath away. I felt like I was overheating, a sensation I remembered vividly from my labour with Kali. I couldn't get cool enough. My midwife fixed that problem by applying a freezie to the back of my neck. A relief in the midst of contractions, and delicious in between! I was also lucky that it was a cool, breezy day. I sat on the birthing ball in front of an open window and found relief in the cold breeze.

Kali and our babysitter chose this moment to return home from an outing. "Get her out of here," I growled at Mr. D. He called my mom, sent Kali and her sitter to the park, and arranged for the pick-up.

By this point, each contraction was pushing me to the brink of despair. I told the midwives I was regretting the whole homebirth-without-access-to-drugs thing. They pointed out gently that it would be too late for drugs even if we were at a hospital. They finally convinced me to lie on my back for one contraction so they could check me. 7-8 centimetres, they said, minus one station. To me it sounded pretty far from complete. They claimed the birth was imminent.

I must have stood or sat for a couple more intense contractions before I straightened up and announced frantically, "I have to pee. I have to have a contraction. I have to pee. Oh, S***!" and ran to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet I had another contraction, and the midwife came to tell me it was time to get off the pot, literally and figuratively.

"Do you want to come back to bed?" she asked.

"NNNNOOOO!!!!" I roared. (Did I mention that I had been literally roaring, mama-bear style, through the really crazy contractions? Yes, roaring, in between seeking reassurance that the intensity was normal and I wasn't dying, it was just the baby moving down. My midwives were amazing, reassuring, fabulously telling me that it was so unbearable because it was happening so quickly. They kept me as calm as humanly possible, even when I was begging for someone to just get a baseball bat and knock me out. But I digress.)

"I need to get in the tub," I announced, "and I want it COLD." Mr. December diligently tested the water, ran some more in as cold as possible, and I got in.

I leaned over the side of the tub. My midwife gently told me I'd have to change position so she could see something, anything. Could I please sit back? "NNNOOO!" Okay, how about just turning a bit?

I turned. On hands and knees, with my forehead resting against the corner of the tub, I roared through a contraction and decided the only way it could possibly feel better was if I pushed. So I did. Once...

"I see the head. Hold on a sec." I felt the ring of fire and tried to slow down, pant, and let some stretching happen. I waited what felt like an eternity but was probably a minute, at most. I pushed again... hard... really hard... and out popped the head. One more push and the body was out, I heard a cry, and I turned around in utter shock. Until that moment, the pain had been so overwhelming that I really was unable to even remember the emerging reality of our baby.

"Here's your baby!"
"No way! Seriously? There was a baby in there? Holy crap!"

It was 5:05 p.m.

I held him to my chest, still in the tub. Someone covered us with a towel and a blanket. The midwife showed me, and I felt, how the umbilical cord was still pulsing. Maybe fifteen minutes passed before we cut the cord, and shortly after that I pushed out the placenta. We hung out for a few more minutes before I felt like leaving the tub. One midwife gently took the baby from me. Mr. December helped me stand up and I insisted on showering off before getting into bed. By this point I was freezing cold and he led me back to bed, teeth chattering, while the midwives turned on the space heater.

The hours after that were so relaxed, by which I mean that there was activity all around me but somehow it felt like calm, peaceful activity. Baby was having some trouble warming up, so we lay skin-to-skin with blankets and a heating pad on top of us. Someone brought me a cup of tea.

As the baby latched on (beautifully) and sucked for all he was worth, the midwives examined me. Intact perineum, a few minor abrasions and "skid marks" internally. No stitches. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

He was weighed, 7 lbs 15 ozs, and measured, 52 centimetres (about 21 inches?) with a head circumference of 32 centimetres (13 inches?). Sometime around 8 p.m. we finally did the newborn exam. We accepted the vitamin K, declined the antibiotic eye goop.

By 9:00 p.m. the midwives were satisfied that we were both okay. At this point I'd been up to pee and they'd stripped the bed back down to the clean sheets. We got tucked in and given a snack, the grandparents arrived, and the midwives went home.

To say that I'm pleased with how the birth went would be an understatement. It was so lovely to be at home, to decide when and where to get totally naked, to roar without any fear of being heard or shushed, to push when and how I felt like it. I can only imagine what agony the ride to the hospital would have been, and how annoying it might have been to have to pack up and ride home in the car instead of just getting right into my bed. I also mightily appreciate how, when the baby needed warming up, the midwives kept him right on me and did all the warming things around us. I can't imagine having him taken away to lie in a warmer by himself. All in all, it was an amazing birth, an amazing experience, and while I can certainly wait to do it again, I have no doubt that I'll want to do it the same way next time.


what to do to get pregnant

Clint Eastwood and Leo DiCaprio Take Aim at FBI?s Feared Enforcer ?

The cameras aren’t here, but there is an A-list cast: Clint Eastwood, 81, TV and movie veteran and Oscar winner for directing “Million Dollar Baby” and “Unforgiven,” and Leonardo DiCaprio, 36, former child star who still is trying to get rid of his baby face and play roles that are markedly different from himself. The? more


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Are You Pregnant?


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How to Get Pregnant Naturally - 3 Effective Tips

It does not have to be complicated to get pregnant naturally. The following are three approaches to help you become productive.


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Scenes from the playground

Kali is climbing an s-shaped ladder up to a platform 6 feet in the air. Decemberbaby is about 20 feet away, talking to another mom, when she notices what Kali's up to.

Decemberbaby: Wow! Look what she's doing!
Other mom: Oh my God, I can't look.
Decemberbaby: I have to look. I might need to describe this at the emergency room later.

Incidentally, she did it all by herself. Kali is a surefooted little girl. Sure, her feet slipped once, but after a tiny whimper she pulled herself up and kept going. Hooray for my free-range kid!


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The Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Pregnant ? Tips on Easiest Way to Get Pregnant Fast

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Get Pregnant – Tips on Easiest Way to Get Pregnant Fast To conceive a child, a life in your body, is a natural process. And just like any other natural process, it takes time, patience and happens on its own. Couples, who are trying for getting pregnant, can however [...]


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Different Types of Contraception Suit Different Women

There are a number of different types of female contraceptive methods available and the type of contraception chosen will depend upon the particular time in a woman's life and her specific needs. An interactive process between a woman and her doctor will assist in making the best possible choice.


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social obligations?

I'd really like to hear some opinions on this one...

We've been invited to an "open house" (i.e. drop-in style party) this weekend for the engagement of a family friend whom we don't see very often. In fact, I haven't seen him since my brother's wedding last year, and before that... well, it was a long time. But anyhow, we've been invited, and he doesn't have a large extended family, and his mother feels that we're the "closest thing to family" they have. My parents are, of course, going.

When my mom asked whether we'd be there, I answered, "no". True to form, she asked my why. I explained that I don't have a really great reason, just that I don't feel like going, it's not conveniently located, we've had a lot of social engagements recently (and we have two others that weekend, neither in direct conflict), and that Mr. December has been working late and hasn't had the time to be at home with us and it would be nice to just have some family time together.

My mom acted like this was a really unsatisfactory answer.

So my question - my musing - tonight is about whether one is actually "obligated" to attend social functions to which they are invited unless they are otherwise occupied (i.e. with an officially scheduled event). Do I need a reason to send my regrets over an invitation? Is it not my perogative to decide that I'm just not in the mood to drive 30 minutes each way just to be smiley and social at an event that will be no fun for Kali and no fun for my husband (and probably not much fun for me)? Can't I just randomly decide not to accept an invitation?

According to how I was raised, no, I can't. I need to attend the event unless I have a *good* reason not to. But that could just be my family's silly rule... so I need to hear from my readers. What do you think?


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Best Sexual Positions to Get Pregnant - A Guide to Pregnancy

There are some women who have a harder time conceiving than others. There are many ways to increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant. Among these reasons include choosing the best sexual positions to get pregnant. There are many different positions, but there are only some that can increase the chances of the egg becoming fertilized by the sperm. Some people have found that using certain sexual positions can more promising than others when it comes to fertilizing the egg. Many times the increased help by choosing the right sexual positions can be beneficial. Some of the best sexual positions to get pregnant are listed below.


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Get the Support You Need


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Bangkok Post : Brutal reality behind junta?s benign face

Ure Seng Raw, a rice farmer, sits on a rough bench in the small bamboo hut she now calls home and explains why she endured a tough two-day mountain walk from her village of Rawt Jat to live here. front-line Kachin Independence Army soldiers take a break. ”The Burmese army shelled our village on June? more


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I Don't Do This Often...


what to do to get pregnant � Blog Archive � Tips about How To Get Pregnant Rapidly ? Most effective Meals to Try to eat When Attempting to Get Pregnant

‘I never know why I can’t get pregnant?’ in case you have been actively endeavoring to conceive a baby for more than a 12 months without having achievement, this is a superior issue to ask. There are so many explanations why a girl won’t be able to get expecting quick. Certainly one of them needs? more


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What is Blighted Ovum Pregnancy Loss?

Blighted ovum is term used to describe a type of miscarriage. Blighted ovum happens when a fertilized egg embeds in the uterine lining, but the embryo fails to continue to develop. During the early part of the first trimester, the embryo will stop developing, but the egg (gestational) sac will continue to form. The placenta [...]


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Qantas marketing campaign on Twitter backfires

A competition launched by Qantas using Twitter proved a massive hit with thousands of people using the social media site, though not in quite the way the public relations department at Australia’s national airline had been expecting. PR executives at Qantas really should?ve known better than to run a competition on Twitter in the middle? more


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dealing With Infertility

Coping with infertility can be a difficult situation to overcome. Studies have shown that the mental anguish women who are struggling with infertility go through is similar to someone going through an illness. To make things worse, people may tell you that because of your anxiety, you are actually causing yourself to become infertile, which isn't true as was proven in current studies.


what to do to get pregnant

Ways to Get Pregnant ? 5 Top Ways to Help You Get Pregnant

What are the best ways to get pregnant? perhaps you’ve been asking this question for months or years. If so, then it’s crucial to know the best methods for becoming pregnant. this will help to maximize your chance of achieving success. Some methods work more effectively than others, and here are some of the best? more


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Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period?

It sounds almost impossible but you can get pregnant even if you had during the time of menstrual bleeding, unprotected sex. Although the probability of conception in the infertile days is lower, it is very difficult to predict when the probability of conception does not exist. The likelihood of conception during the menstrual bleeding is? more


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Acupressure to Induce Labor: The Natural and Safe Method to Induce Labor

Acupressure is natural method used to induce labor in pregnant women. Using acupressure helps to avoid harsh chemicals or injections. Find out how acupressure works and a couple of different pressure points you can try to induce labor.


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How Do You Increase Your Chances on Becoming Pregnant? Five Easy Ways to Increase Fertility

Getting pregnant can be easy for some women, while hard for others. Many women have asked, "How do you increase your chances of becoming pregnant?" This can be easily achieved by making some diet changes, making sure that a woman is in optimum health and tracking ovulation cycles. Having sex a regular intervals will help the chances even further. Some of the other ways to increase the chances of becoming pregnant include making sure that he is in optimum health as well. Weight control plays a large part in becoming pregnant. There are other helpful supplements that can help a woman become more fertile.


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'How I Met Your Mother' Recap: Episode 11, 'The Rebound Girl'

Sari N. Kent The episode begins with Ted narrating about Lily?s grandparents giving her and Marshall their house as a present and how they decided to sell it for ?one big reason.? ?I don?t want to spend my Saturdays in Long Island,? says Lily as she paints in her and Marshall?s apartment. Marshall tells Lily? more


what to do to get pregnant : How To Get Pregnant: Fertility Tips for Men and women

1 from the most frequent issues I see asked is, “how can I get expecting?” Infertility has an effect on 10 % of the reproductive population within the United states based on the American Culture for Reproductive Medication. a lot of partners can defeat the challenge of hoping to conceive by way of way of? more


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My Popsicle


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Fertility at 40 - 3 Good Ways

Being with child at 40 appears to be serious for women as they face a greater hazard of developing an instability in their menstrual cycle, producing low quality egg cell, and a higher peril of having fertility problems. Here are three good ways to help increase your chances of being pregnant.


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Friday, November 25, 2011

By: Maureen Stephens, RN

While using marijuana may not be affecting your fertility, there's a strong likelihood that it could be affecting your man's fertility. Studies have shown conclusively that smoking cannabis can cause a lower sperm count in men. Additionally, marijuana smokers' sperm tend to swim too early and fast causing them to be less effective when they finally reach the egg for fertilization.

Consider talking with your partner about making a commitment to take a break from smoking for the sake of your chances to get pregnant. Good luck!


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Priscilla?s Advocate for Health Contest Blog Story

Share your story for our Advocate For Your Health Contest and you might win a $250 AMEX Card, click here to learn more! Here is Priscilla’s story of how she advocated for her health and infertility. She also writes a blog A Gluten-Free Vegan Mom Who Knows that you should take a look at. If [...]


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Spotting During Early Pregnancy - Reasons for Vaginal Bleeding

Many complications can occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. It is important to understand what is normal and what should be cause for concern. Spotting during early pregnancy can occur during many normal pregnancies, but there are times when a woman should be concerned. There are many reasons for vaginal bleeding, and some of these reasons can be very mild, while some can mean that the pregnancy is being threatened. It is always important to seek the advice of a doctor when spotting during early pregnancy does occur, to be sure that there is not a serious condition to be concerned about. Below is a list of common reasons that can cause vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.


what to do to get pregnant

Mr. December, cruising de Nile.

Mr. December is on the Egyptian River Cruise, big-time. He's insisted on repeating the home pregnancy tests every other day, sometimes twice a day. Yes, the test line still pops up immediately (and oddly, the control line takes a few minutes). But was he satisfied? Nuh-uh.

"This test is pretty sensitive," he said thoughtfully. "Let's dilute the pee by a factor of ten and try it again." Um, okay, so now we know that it's detecting an HCG level of at least 250. Given my estimate that I'm in the ninth or tenth week here, 250 is nothing. Frankly, neither is 2500.

At this point I just roll my eyes, pee in the cup, hand it to him, and let him have fun with the pipette. At this point I don't think I'd be surprised if some titration equipment showed up in the bathroom.


what to do to get pregnant

How To Get Pregnant Healthy Diet

Y point is this: when you are ovulating but they can also drink alcohol and cigarette. Nonetheless it is so important in the sweeteners and asparagus. Ensure that alcohol and smoking. You may still get pregnant the first month after getting pregnancy and concepts and helps the reproductive system is as fertility improved after mastering [...]


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Are You Eating and Drinking Toxic Chemicals?


what to do to get pregnant

Can Your Shampoo Effect Your Chance of Conceiving?


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Prime-time TV and�Infertility

One of my Favorite show is “Private Practice.” �No, idea why it appeals to me but I end up watching it every week. �This season the story line with Addison TTC with a sperm donor has me wondering if I can continue to watch. �When this show start 5 years ago they talked about how? more


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Solve Thyroid Problems Before Conceiving a Baby

Concerned your thyroid is having an impact on your fertility? Solving thyroid problems before conceiving is more important than you think! The thyroid is an important gland for fertility. Hormonal imbalance can act as a trigger for thyroid problems. Before we begin to learn different ways thyroid issues may affect your fertility, it is important [...]


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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Yes, exactly. Basically painless contractions. Every fifteen minutes.

I know this can go on for a long, long time without me being in active labour. And by a long, long time I mean weeks... but just in case, I'm going to go take a nap.


what to do to get pregnant

Razorbill Releases Asher-Mackler YA Collaboration

Razorbill Releases Asher-Mackler YA Collaboration By Sally Lodge Nov 17, 2011 In 1996, when two teens log onto the Internet and find themselves on Facebook 15 years later, they get a glimpse of what life has in store for them. This is the story that unwinds—and rewinds—in The Future of Us, due from Razorbill on? more


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hormonal? Me?

Yes, folks, we've reached that point in the pregnancy. Everything makes me emotional.

Today was Kali's last day of preschool. Her teacher gave each child a personalized slideshow of pictures taken throughout the year. As we watched it, I cried.

I went across the street to ask the elderly neighbour with the broken arm how she was doing. I made a remark about how excited we are about our garden and our blooming veggies, and she started in on how vegetables don't belong in the front yard, how messy and disorganized our yard is, and how her sons cry when they see it because they miss the fastidious woman who lived here years ago. I managed to conceal my rage until I had again wished her well, and then I went back home and fumed. Maybe a single pensioner has nothing better to do than to search her lawn for weeds every. single. day. If we mow our lawn every other week, that's pretty good for us.

So yeah, two very emotional reactions to things that would normally roll off my back. I must be hormonal or something.


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Moving day

I've gone here. See you on the other side!


what to do to get pregnant

Get Pregnant Fast By Understanding Your Critical 3 Phase Fertility Cycle

If you are trying to get pregnant then you need to know your unique 3 distinct phases of you menstrual cycle so you can learn the 24-48 hour window of opportunity you have each month to get pregnant. The length of each phase of the menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle. The average length of time between each menstrual cycles is about 28 days. Menstrual cycles longer or shorter than 28 days do not mean there is a problem.


what to do to get pregnant

Tips to Survive Pregnancy

There are so many reasons that you might want to run away when you first find out that you are pregnant. This is not realistic and the goal should be that you can actually enjoy this experience for the short period of time that it lasts.


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what to do to get pregnant

Solve Thyroid Problems Before Conceiving a Baby

Concerned your thyroid is having an impact on your fertility? Solving thyroid problems before conceiving is more important than you think! The thyroid is an important gland for fertility. Hormonal imbalance can act as a trigger for thyroid problems. Before we begin to learn different ways thyroid issues may affect your fertility, it is important [...]


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Steamboat Today: Medical Monday: Take precautions against flu

It can start with a sore throat, headache or runny nose. when the body aches take hold, you know you?re in trouble. The seasonal flu vaccine is the first line of defense against an illness that can leave one stuck at home feeling miserable, or worse, in the hospital with pneumonia. the U.S. Centers for? more


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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Scenes from the playground

Kali is climbing an s-shaped ladder up to a platform 6 feet in the air. Decemberbaby is about 20 feet away, talking to another mom, when she notices what Kali's up to.

Decemberbaby: Wow! Look what she's doing!
Other mom: Oh my God, I can't look.
Decemberbaby: I have to look. I might need to describe this at the emergency room later.

Incidentally, she did it all by herself. Kali is a surefooted little girl. Sure, her feet slipped once, but after a tiny whimper she pulled herself up and kept going. Hooray for my free-range kid!


what to do to get pregnant

Problems With Getting Pregnant - 3 Effective Tips

When trying to have a baby, women should concentrate on their way of living. The three factors that commonly cause sterility to women will be discussed in this article.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Tell Him You're Pregnant - Creative Ways to Break the News

There are many emotions that rush through a woman when she finds out she is pregnant. To make this time even more exciting, there are fun ways to tell a husband. Many times the news can come as quite a welcomed shock, but it is important to heed with caution if the news is not something that will make your partner as excited. There are fun and creative ways that a mother to be can divulge the news. Many women wonder how to tell him that you're pregnant. Below is a list of creative ways to tell the new father to be that he will be a daddy.


what to do to get pregnant

School feeder changes create complications

When Laura McCarthy was pregnant with her first child, she and her husband, Helder Vicente, bought a house just a half-mile from Pittsburgh Minadeo PreK-5. That worked out fine with Ms. McCarthy walking her son, Samuel Vicente, now 5, to kindergarten at Minadeo and planning to do the same for daughter Elizabeth Vicente, now 3.? more


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What Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag With - Having the Baby

It is important to pack a bag that will be ready to grab and take to the hospital when a woman goes into labor. This can occur at any time, so having this bag packed well in advance with all the essentials that will be needed at the hospital as well as for the ride home with the new baby is important to consider. Many women wonder, what you should pack your hospital bag with when preparing to have a baby. There are many essentials that every woman should pack, and then there are those special items that will provide comfort for a stay at the hospital. Below is a checklist of essentials to pack in the hospital bag.


what to do to get pregnant

Your Questions About How To Get Pregnant

Sandra asks? Which way is the best way? I’m 17 and im possibly pregnant… please don’t judge but Im planning on having an abortion. I don’t normally agree with it my self but like I said im 17 and im of 2 uni. I have thought of adoption but Im the type of person to? more


what to do to get pregnant

Your Questions About How To Get Pregnant

Ruth asks? Which way is the best way? I’m 17 and im possibly pregnant… please don’t judge but Im planning on having an abortion. I don’t normally agree with it my self but like I said im 17 and im of 2 uni. I have thought of adoption but Im the type of person to? more


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How To Get Pregnant Faster? Getting Pregnant Secrets

How To Get Pregnant Faster? Getting Pregnant Secrets By Margaret Ryan If you and your partner have decided that the time is right to suit to start your family and you could possibly be pondering a lot about the way you can mange to get pregnant as swiftly as possible. Mostly in any of the? more


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 Things to Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant

So you're trying to make a baby and things just aren't going as planned. Sometimes it's the things you take for granted that have the greatest influence on outcomes. Sometimes the things you don't do matter as much as those you do.


what to do to get pregnant

The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally ? The Three Vital Truths?

A lot of couples are searching for the fastest way to get pregnant naturally. and of course making love often can help. In this article, the three most important things you can do to conceive quickly are revealed. >>> Get yourself Healthy. If you are already healthy, then conceiving a child shouldn’t prove too much? more


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15 Things Pregnant Women Should Avoid - Important Information for Pregnant Women

There are many things that can cause complications for pregnant women, and it is important that these women avoid these issues to have a healthy pregnancy. The most important goal for a mother to be and her unborn child is health. This is at the top of the priority list. IN order to keep a pregnancy viable and healthy, the woman should avoid those activities and items that can cause these complications. Below is a list of 15 things pregnant women should avoid. Among these are common household items and food that many women were unaware could cause a problem during pregnancy.


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Things To Have Ready For The Baby

As exciting and magical as the birth of one's baby is, it can also be a stressful time. One way to help relieve some of the stress is to be as prepared as possible so that does one is not rushing around after one's baby is born. There are several items to have on hand, and if one prepares early, unwanted stress can be easily avoided.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Avoid Pregnancy Weight Gain

How do you avoid pregnancy weight gain? Seems like a strange question considering you can't help but gain weight during pregnancy... you're meant to right? Of course you are! Perhaps a better question is how to avoid EXCESS pregnancy weight gain.. and that's what I'm here to answer for you. Monitoring your weight during pregnancy is beneficial to both you and your precious baby growing inside you, and YES, you can and should control your weight gain.


what to do to get pregnant

Gain knowledge of the right way to get pregnant

Whether you are preparing the childbirth of your very first boy or girl or you are a seasoned mother, you can still find numerous things to take into account when it comes to how to get pregnant. although this action is very natural and instinctive, you will find many different ways to boost your chances? more


what to do to get pregnant

How to Track Cervical Mucus

During each month, the mucus secreted by the vagina and the cervix is changing due to changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone. This measurement can determine how close or far you are from ovulation. After your period ends, you will usually have a few "dry" days.


what to do to get pregnant

Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Are Embarrassing And Painful

Tips to relieve your hemorrhoids in pregnancy otherwise you pregnancy could become a living nightmare. As a certified nurse midwife I have treated many cases of pregnancy hemorrhoids. It was not until I personally experienced a small pregnancy hemorrhoid myself that I understood how painful these little monsters can be. Hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins on or around the anus. The veins within the anal canal become swollen because of weakened vein walls allowing blood to pool. This causes the walls of the vein to expand creating the visible ball on the outside of the anus called a hemorrhoid.


what to do to get pregnant

Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Things About Prenatal Yoga Classes

According to our prenatal yoga classes teacher, the first trimester of prenatal yoga classes is very tough because we need to listen to your body more. It is a common struggle for all yoga followers and it might be more challenging when you're pregnant.


what to do to get pregnant

How to Get Pregnant Easily ? 3 Great Tips

Many women do not feel complete until they have had a child. for some women it will prove relatively easy to conceive but for others it may take some time. However, there are certain things that a woman can do which could help them to conceive more easily. in this article we look at some? more


what to do to get pregnant

Mr. December, cruising de Nile.

Mr. December is on the Egyptian River Cruise, big-time. He's insisted on repeating the home pregnancy tests every other day, sometimes twice a day. Yes, the test line still pops up immediately (and oddly, the control line takes a few minutes). But was he satisfied? Nuh-uh.

"This test is pretty sensitive," he said thoughtfully. "Let's dilute the pee by a factor of ten and try it again." Um, okay, so now we know that it's detecting an HCG level of at least 250. Given my estimate that I'm in the ninth or tenth week here, 250 is nothing. Frankly, neither is 2500.

At this point I just roll my eyes, pee in the cup, hand it to him, and let him have fun with the pipette. At this point I don't think I'd be surprised if some titration equipment showed up in the bathroom.


what to do to get pregnant

How To Combat Leg Muscle Cramps In Pregnancy

If you are interested in finding a way to prevent muscle spasms in the legs, you should be pleased to discover that there are a number of techniques and practices that should help to minimize the number of episodes that occur. There are exercises as well as supplements that are believed to be effective in this regard.


what to do to get pregnant

Can Kissing Help You Conceive?


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ad tag features sliding billboard

Now is the time for East Texans to get their flu vaccines ? ifthey have not already done so. Lance Anderson, Longview Regional Medical Center nurse andinfection control coordinator, said officials do not expect anyshortages of flu vaccine this winter. But, he said there have beensome flu cases reported. ?At the moment, the flu season? more


what to do to get pregnant

The Fertility Calculator and Some Tips for Conception

Having a child is always a great source of joy to a couple. A child brings happiness and meaning to life. The couple also feels a sense of pride in becoming parents.


what to do to get pregnant

Best Time to Get Pregnant - Raising the Chances of Conceiving

There are many ways a woman can raise the chances of her getting pregnant. The best time to get pregnant is the time during a woman's ovulation. This period can last for two to three days in which the peak time she can conceive is this window. There are quite a few indicators that let a woman know when she is about to ovulate, and several signs that she is ovulating. It is important to stay keen to the signs. Being tuned in to one's own body can help to recognize the signs when they do appear. The following signs will be helpful in determining when a woman's body is ovulating or close to it. Signs of ovulation include...


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Writer for Women?s Health Reviews Our Program And Gets Pregnant!

Congratulations to Leslie Goldman, health blogger extraordinaire at and magazine writer, body image author! Here is her story of how Circle + Bloom helped her with her fertility journey by using our IVF/IUI Mind+Body audio program. ?When you?re trapped in the soul-crushing cycle of infertility, you?ll do pretty much anything and everything to up [...]


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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Casting For Couples Trying to Get Pregnant


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Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? Main Reasons and Best Solutions

There are married couples who attempt everything for over a year and nothing happens. this is often extremely frustrating, and that’s why many start asking the question why am I not getting pregnant? Most of the couples can have a baby within six month to one year. in case you are having trouble in getting? more


what to do to get pregnant

Try This: Get gift shopping started

For those who like to get a jump on holiday shopping, the Clark County Holiday Gift Fair will have hundreds of gift ideas and handcrafted items, wreath-making demonstrations, canned food and toy drives, along with daily appearances by Santa for family photographs with the children. When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.? more


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Priscilla?s Advocate for Health Contest Blog Story

Share your story for our Advocate For Your Health Contest and you might win a $250 AMEX Card, click here to learn more! Here is Priscilla’s story of how she advocated for her health and infertility. She also writes a blog A Gluten-Free Vegan Mom Who Knows that you should take a look at. If [...]


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Causes of Infertility in Couples

Are you a couple facing infertility? If so, learn about some of the more common causes of infertility and what you can do about them.


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I Survived a Midnight Showing of ?Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1?

When a guy who can’t tell Jacob from Edward joins a theater of screaming tween girls… Fans react as actors arrive for the British premiere of ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ at Westfield in east London (Toby Melville / Reuters) Late last night, I stumbled out of a movie theater in a daze, and not? more


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WSAZ INVESTIGATES: Drug-Addicted Pregnant Women Reach Crisis Stage

Font Size: HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — Doctors and nurses on maternity wards throughout our region are overwhelmed. That’s because up to half the pregnant women ready to give birth are also addicted to hard-core drugs. The epidemic has the medical, the treatment and the legal communities working in crisis mode — all to rescue the? more


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By: Maureen Stephens, RN

While using marijuana may not be affecting your fertility, there's a strong likelihood that it could be affecting your man's fertility. Studies have shown conclusively that smoking cannabis can cause a lower sperm count in men. Additionally, marijuana smokers' sperm tend to swim too early and fast causing them to be less effective when they finally reach the egg for fertilization.

Consider talking with your partner about making a commitment to take a break from smoking for the sake of your chances to get pregnant. Good luck!


what to do to get pregnant

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Having Trouble Getting Pregnant - 4 Great Suggestions

Various factors cause troubles with fertility in women. Factors like taking birth control pills, unhealthy lifestyle habits as well as failure in charting your ovulation cycle are the elements that may lead to pregnancy problems.


what to do to get pregnant

Fertile Calendar Infertility ? I Want To Get Pregnant ? 3 Natural Solutions To Get Pregnant

I want to get pregnant. it might seem easy and simple, isn’t it? however, it is not the fact, as well as there are many elements which a ladies conception. one of the most common factors that generate complication inside the fertilizing are ovulating problems, hormonal problems, uterine fibroids, tubal items in the way, endometriosis,? more


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Three Sleeping Breakthroughs


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The Best Day to Get Pregnant

Having to go through the maternity process can be a very difficult circumstance to be in. Moreover, even becoming pregnant can be challenging. there are a number of things that lend a hand in causing someone to be less likely to get pregnant such as poor dieting, infection, certain medications, and stress. there are even? more


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Healthy Pregnancy Is What Every Pregnant Woman Wants

Tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy and make healthier babies. Under normal pregnancy circumstances, about 25% of woman are going to miscarry or lose their baby within the first twelve weeks. The honest truth is that no one, not you, me or your health care provider can guarantee that you will have a healthy baby, but we know from all out experience there are lots of things you can do to influence the outcome of your pregnancy.


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Pregnancy Tips: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an experience that affects many aspects of your life, in ways that you might not have expected. Information can be crucial to making the choices that will help to make the experience the best that it can be for you and your baby, now and after your baby is born.


what to do to get pregnant

Precious Time Call Pregnancy

Precious Time Call Pregnancy Preparation for Pregnancy I can imagine that you are probably thinking about having a baby at this time (that is why you are reading this article, isn?t it?). As a mother I can tell you right away that pregnancy is a very exciting time in a woman?s life. But it [...]


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Are You Pregnant?


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Are You Eating and Drinking Toxic Chemicals?


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Pregnancy Miracle System Book

Pregnancy Miracle system Book Article by Tina Joines When women are about 25 to 35 years old, most of them have good jobs and have got marry. Then the most important thing in their life may be the baby. they want to become mothers. but then, unfortunately, many of them find that they can’t get? more


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I Can't Talk for Long...


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WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-Rutland?s War on Drugs, Part 2

Rutland, Vermont – November 17, 2011 At Rutland Regional Medical Center, on average, 1 in 7 babies is born to a woman addicted to painkillers. “I would see a new pregnant woman who was looking for treatment and there really weren't any options for her. so it's really hard as a professional for someone seeking? more


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How to Get Pregnant Quick ? A Quick and Easy Technique

When you are ready to start a family, you are typically waiting until you feel like the time is right. Maybe you wanted to be married for a little while, maybe you wanted to get a little further along in your career, or for some of you, the time was right as soon as you? more


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3 WOMEN and THE FOUR FEATHERS Criterion Blu-ray Reviews

The Criterion Collection has some of the most anal-retentive fans in the history of collecting. so I wonder how fans might stock 3 Women and The four Feathers. perhaps just by the number in the catalog, but with 3 Women ? the Robert Altman film from 1977 starring Sissy Spacek and Shelly Duvall ? does? more


what to do to get pregnant

The Fertility Calculator and Some Tips for Conception

Having a child is always a great source of joy to a couple. A child brings happiness and meaning to life. The couple also feels a sense of pride in becoming parents.


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Older teens left behind by Kentucky?s foster-care program

Posted: 12:00am on Nov 6, 2011; Modified: 1:00pm on Nov 6, 2011 2011-11-06T18:00:38Z by Valarie Honeycutt Spears Herald-Leader Clairessa Johnson in her home in Lexington, Ky., on Sept. 30, 2011. Johnson, who aged out of the foster system is raising her daughter, working at a fast food restaurant and fighting eviction. Photo by Pablo Alcala? more


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Getting Pregnant Fast After Birth Control

Are you ready to have a baby? have you been on birth control and you are curious to know the answer to “how long does it take to get pregnant after birth control”? there is a simple answer and there is a more complex answer. Knowing certain things can speed up the process and can? more


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The Elephant Says.....Moo?


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Here we are, 36.5 weeks. For those counting along at home, that means I'm 4 days away from being considered "full term".

Thanks to all who responded to my last post. We ended up not going. To clarify, this was an informal gathering, not the actual engagement party. Anyhow, I was having an off day where sitting up was making me feel all kinds of dizzy and weird (darn baby mushing my internal organs around), so driving half an hour was really not in the cards anyway.

Many things are going really well around here:

The Garden
My potatoes are flowering, and so are the peas. We have a crop of carrots that looks like it'll be ready by the end of the month, and have sown a whole bunch more. The cucumbers have sprouted. The tomato seeds are in the ground. Sunflowers are slowly catching up to the squirrels, height-wise, and our new fruit tree and raspberry bushes seem to be thriving. Even Kali's pot of carrots, whose future was in question ("no, sweetheart, we don't dig the dirt again after we've already planted the seeds!") is producing some nice little sprouts.

The Toddler
At turns infuriating and endearing, Kali just amazes me. Sometimes she comes up with things that I know I haven't explicitly taught her. Today someone was asking her about the new baby we'll be having soon. Kali explained that she would put the baby in the stroller and take it for a walk and put it on the swings. The adult then asked, "what about feeding? What do you feed a baby?" Kali's response? "Babies eat breastmilk!"

The Pregnancy
I won't lie, the heartburn is killing me and I'm dying to be able to turn over in bed without heaving myself violently like a beached whale in its final throes. But overall I've been blessed with an easy pregnancy, and just enough weight gain to not worry me while at the same time making me feel optimistic about losing not only the baby weight, but the IVF weight too.

The only thing that has scared me recently is, improbably, a charley horse. It woke me up in the middle of the night and was breathtakingly painful. In that moment, suddenly, I thought, "I can't handle this cramp! How am I going to manage in labor?!?" Fortunately, the cramp subsided and I'm left both laughing and silently fretting.


what to do to get pregnant

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How To Get Pregnant Illustration � My blog about getting pregnant

F the abortion is possible. if you’re doing so creates a hostile environment can act as a huge factor while you the simple answer. The solution to get pregnant one of them has to do with diet. if you want the previous abortion. You cannot just expect to figure out how to get pregnant with? more


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Dynamite Query: When is a Woman Most Fertile to Experience Pregnancy? � MersiNMekaN ? Dofollow Article Directory

Most girls grow up never worrying if they will likely be fertile to have a baby naturally. They tend to be definitely not worried, thinking that finding a partner and having a baby will come naturally. the fact is that approximately 10% of the women in the USA have experience of low performing in getting? more


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Can't Get Pregnant? You are Not Alone!


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What Is Postnatal Depression?

Postnatal Depression The symptoms of postnatal depression appear any time before and after delivery of your baby. Around 1 in 7 (14%) of women will develop postnatal depression and 10% experience symptoms during the pregnancy (antenatal depression).


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10 treatments to try during pregnancy

Is pregnancy making you bloom? Do you float around radiating femininity and joy at your condition? Do your eyes sparkle, your skin glow, your hair shine? If the answer is 'yes' to all of the above then read no further (and don’t rub it in too much to other pregnant women: they will hate you.)? more


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Fertility Treatment of No Benefit?


what to do to get pregnant

Infertility in Men - Understanding the Process

Making a baby is one situation where it really does take two to tango. And the problems with infertility are not always found in the female partner. Find out some of the most common causes of infertility in men.


what to do to get pregnant

Mr. December, cruising de Nile.

Mr. December is on the Egyptian River Cruise, big-time. He's insisted on repeating the home pregnancy tests every other day, sometimes twice a day. Yes, the test line still pops up immediately (and oddly, the control line takes a few minutes). But was he satisfied? Nuh-uh.

"This test is pretty sensitive," he said thoughtfully. "Let's dilute the pee by a factor of ten and try it again." Um, okay, so now we know that it's detecting an HCG level of at least 250. Given my estimate that I'm in the ninth or tenth week here, 250 is nothing. Frankly, neither is 2500.

At this point I just roll my eyes, pee in the cup, hand it to him, and let him have fun with the pipette. At this point I don't think I'd be surprised if some titration equipment showed up in the bathroom.


what to do to get pregnant

Fertile Days to Conceive ? I Want to Get Pregnant Right Now

A normal menstrual cycle is 28 days long. the ovum is released on the 14th day after your period. This is called ovulation. Ovulation happens when a egg is released from the ovary, goes down the fallopian tubes, and is ready to be fertilized. the lining of the uterus will get thick to get ready? more


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Can Great Sex Help You to Conceive?


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By: Ash

What does it mean when u have alot of discharge it's clear


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American midwife discovers challenges of medicine in Haiti

Erin Curtiss sits in a hospital clinic in Haiti, where she went to help train more midwives. the country is desperately in need of trained medical professionals. (Photo by Jenny Asarnow.) Erin Curtiss, a midwife in Seattle, went to Haiti to help train more midwives. What she found, though, shocked her and disappointed her, but? more


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