Thursday, January 5, 2012

By: Monica Scott, BS, RN

There are many factors that can prevent or delay pregnancy. Failure to ovulate tops the list, affecting roughly 40 percent of all couples who are trying to conceive. The normal ovarian cycle is a complex process and even minor disruptions can interfere with ovulation. Hormone deficiencies, tubal obstructions, chromosomal disorders, poor quality cervical mucus, and endometriosis are other situations that interfere with pregnancy.

FertiBella helps to regulate your hormonal balance, stimulate ovulation, and boost your body's natural fertility. You may want to consider trying the all-in-one TTC Starter Kit as a good option for those who want to become pregnant fast.


what to do to get pregnant

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Want To Get Pregnant Fast

Begin using other methods a woman’s ovulation timing your conception to occur. Your peak of fertility window. If you are trying to get pregnant it is crucial times to conceive. Also just as quick as possible. I Want To Get Pregnant Fast The main cause of women who let loose and mental and physical complications. [...]


what to do to get pregnant

8 Ways to Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Only women who have actually experienced pregnancy can understand how much their bodies, hormones, and systems changed in preparation for giving birth. After the birth, hormone levels decrease, your body starts resuming its previous shape, and things that were put on hold while you were pregnant get back to normal operation. This includes your hair. It was definitely affected by the hormonal changes in that it didn't fall out on a regular basis like it does in its non-pregnancy state. Inevitably, about 75% of women who give birth will notice hair loss about 3-4 months later.


what to do to get pregnant

Birth Story

Why am I awake at 1 a.m. typing up a birth story? Um, can I blame my birth high and all those natural endorphins? My men (one big, one little) and my little girl are all asleep, and here I am. Since I can't sleep I might as well get the story down while I remember. Right?

So we all know that this morning I had general menstrual-type achiness and major pressure. Painful, annoying, but not convincingly labour at all. I hung out at my computer and looked at double stroller reviews on Amazon.

It dawned on me sometime around noon that the achiness was actually coming in waves, and I started to time them. Hmm... six to eight minutes apart. They hurt, but they really only seemed to involve my lower abdomen, so I was unconvinced that these were "real" contractions. I decided I'd take a bath and see what happened... but first I had to round up the bathmats (hanging on the clothesline outside), get the clean towels from the dryer and fold them, and hey, maybe I should wash out the tub and clean up the bathroom just in case...

By the time I was finished with those nesting endeavours, it was 2:15 and the contractions were coming every four minutes. I got in the tub. Did I mention I was home alone?

And then... the contractions slowed way down. Ten minutes. Fifteen. Eleven. Four. Four. Four?!?!?!?! I finally called Mr. December and told him to come home from work. I paged the midwives, who said it still sounded like early labour. They promised to arrive in about an hour.

Mr. December came home, and I promptly sent him out for food - today was supposed to be grocery shopping day. While he was gone, the contractions started getting pretty intense - at the height of each, I'd feel a few moments of nausea. I checked the clock and noted that they were about three minutes apart, lasting 90 to 120 seconds each time.

By the time Mr. D was back, I was starting to swear at the beginning of each contraction. A new mantra came to me: "It's just the baby moving down. It's just the baby. I'm not dying, it's just the baby." Mr. D paged the midwives again and told them things had picked up. Fortunately they were only minutes away.

Around 4 p.m. I got out of the tub and made my way to the bedroom where I fully intended to put the plastic sheets on the bed. Really, I did intend to, but I kept getting interrupted by contractions that took my breath away. I felt like I was overheating, a sensation I remembered vividly from my labour with Kali. I couldn't get cool enough. My midwife fixed that problem by applying a freezie to the back of my neck. A relief in the midst of contractions, and delicious in between! I was also lucky that it was a cool, breezy day. I sat on the birthing ball in front of an open window and found relief in the cold breeze.

Kali and our babysitter chose this moment to return home from an outing. "Get her out of here," I growled at Mr. D. He called my mom, sent Kali and her sitter to the park, and arranged for the pick-up.

By this point, each contraction was pushing me to the brink of despair. I told the midwives I was regretting the whole homebirth-without-access-to-drugs thing. They pointed out gently that it would be too late for drugs even if we were at a hospital. They finally convinced me to lie on my back for one contraction so they could check me. 7-8 centimetres, they said, minus one station. To me it sounded pretty far from complete. They claimed the birth was imminent.

I must have stood or sat for a couple more intense contractions before I straightened up and announced frantically, "I have to pee. I have to have a contraction. I have to pee. Oh, S***!" and ran to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet I had another contraction, and the midwife came to tell me it was time to get off the pot, literally and figuratively.

"Do you want to come back to bed?" she asked.

"NNNNOOOO!!!!" I roared. (Did I mention that I had been literally roaring, mama-bear style, through the really crazy contractions? Yes, roaring, in between seeking reassurance that the intensity was normal and I wasn't dying, it was just the baby moving down. My midwives were amazing, reassuring, fabulously telling me that it was so unbearable because it was happening so quickly. They kept me as calm as humanly possible, even when I was begging for someone to just get a baseball bat and knock me out. But I digress.)

"I need to get in the tub," I announced, "and I want it COLD." Mr. December diligently tested the water, ran some more in as cold as possible, and I got in.

I leaned over the side of the tub. My midwife gently told me I'd have to change position so she could see something, anything. Could I please sit back? "NNNOOO!" Okay, how about just turning a bit?

I turned. On hands and knees, with my forehead resting against the corner of the tub, I roared through a contraction and decided the only way it could possibly feel better was if I pushed. So I did. Once...

"I see the head. Hold on a sec." I felt the ring of fire and tried to slow down, pant, and let some stretching happen. I waited what felt like an eternity but was probably a minute, at most. I pushed again... hard... really hard... and out popped the head. One more push and the body was out, I heard a cry, and I turned around in utter shock. Until that moment, the pain had been so overwhelming that I really was unable to even remember the emerging reality of our baby.

"Here's your baby!"
"No way! Seriously? There was a baby in there? Holy crap!"

It was 5:05 p.m.

I held him to my chest, still in the tub. Someone covered us with a towel and a blanket. The midwife showed me, and I felt, how the umbilical cord was still pulsing. Maybe fifteen minutes passed before we cut the cord, and shortly after that I pushed out the placenta. We hung out for a few more minutes before I felt like leaving the tub. One midwife gently took the baby from me. Mr. December helped me stand up and I insisted on showering off before getting into bed. By this point I was freezing cold and he led me back to bed, teeth chattering, while the midwives turned on the space heater.

The hours after that were so relaxed, by which I mean that there was activity all around me but somehow it felt like calm, peaceful activity. Baby was having some trouble warming up, so we lay skin-to-skin with blankets and a heating pad on top of us. Someone brought me a cup of tea.

As the baby latched on (beautifully) and sucked for all he was worth, the midwives examined me. Intact perineum, a few minor abrasions and "skid marks" internally. No stitches. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

He was weighed, 7 lbs 15 ozs, and measured, 52 centimetres (about 21 inches?) with a head circumference of 32 centimetres (13 inches?). Sometime around 8 p.m. we finally did the newborn exam. We accepted the vitamin K, declined the antibiotic eye goop.

By 9:00 p.m. the midwives were satisfied that we were both okay. At this point I'd been up to pee and they'd stripped the bed back down to the clean sheets. We got tucked in and given a snack, the grandparents arrived, and the midwives went home.

To say that I'm pleased with how the birth went would be an understatement. It was so lovely to be at home, to decide when and where to get totally naked, to roar without any fear of being heard or shushed, to push when and how I felt like it. I can only imagine what agony the ride to the hospital would have been, and how annoying it might have been to have to pack up and ride home in the car instead of just getting right into my bed. I also mightily appreciate how, when the baby needed warming up, the midwives kept him right on me and did all the warming things around us. I can't imagine having him taken away to lie in a warmer by himself. All in all, it was an amazing birth, an amazing experience, and while I can certainly wait to do it again, I have no doubt that I'll want to do it the same way next time.


what to do to get pregnant

Five Things You Should Be Thinking About During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can create a whirlwind of emotions and stresses because there are many things that need to be accomplished before the baby arrives. Some of the biggest things that new parents need to prepare for are the nursery and acquiring all the baby necessities but on top of that there are other important things that need to be considered. Here are five additional things that you should be thinking about during your pregnancy.


what to do to get pregnant

Uterine lining, implantation issues and hormonal injections

Apart from poor endometrial receptivity which I wrote about in a previous article apparently there are other factors which can affect the quality of the lining. As most women trying to conceive a baby know, estrogen and progesterone are critical factors in uterine lining and implantation. Adequate estrogen is required early in the cycle to [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Hospital Checklist for Mom and Baby: Six Things You'll Want to Pack Away for Your Baby's Birth

There are several items that you should be packing for the birth of your new baby. This Hospital Checklist for Mom and Baby lists six important items to buy in anticipation of the big day. The hospital may provide some of these, so check with them before you take too much to the hospital.


what to do to get pregnant

Drinks for Conceiving a Baby Girl

Natural gender selection techniques can seem overwhelming and a little hard to make a part of your life, but one big exception to that is drinks that help increase your odds of conceiving a girl. Drinks are easy -- all you have to do is make them and drink them!


what to do to get pregnant

How to Get Pregnant Fast ? Without Using a Specialist

Have you and your partner decided it is time to start a family? this is an exciting time and it does not warrant much patience as you will want to know the baby is on the way as soon as possible. You are probably wondering how to Get Pregnant Fast and you probably want clear and concise answers to help you start your family now. If you are the type of woman that likes to get things done on your time and likes to be in control, then this will be a bit difficult to swallow because pregnancy is one of the few things we have very little control over. You will have to wait for mother nature to work her magic and bless you with a child, but you should know that there are plenty of things you can do to help speed mother nature along and get the stork to come sooner rather than later. You will conceive a child when you have intercourse during your ovulation days of your cycle. You will also need one of your partners sperm to connect with your egg that has been released for the month. You, normally will only release one [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Ione Enriquez ? January 2012

Ione sounds like a name some Greek goddess would have. well, when my mom was still pregnant with me, she and my dad were watching a movie called last Days of Pompei. the lead character was named Princess Ione, and they thought it was the perfect name for me.   How did you get into modeling?I started modeling when I was about 18. I started with a few newspaper ads, a few indie short films, local music videos, and I also did bar tours. We’re told that your dad’s a lawyer. Is he cool about this shoot? Ha ha! my dad specializes in criminal and labor law so yeah he is very…righteous. He’s not so strict though. he has no reason to, because I’m such a good girl. By the way, my parents do not know about this yet but I’m telling them soon. You’re also a recruitment officer. how do you think will you react if ever an applicant recognizes you and tells you: “Hey, weren’t you in FHM?”I will probably say, “yes I was. how does it feel to be interviewed by one?” and then I will change the subject and quickly shift back to the interview. I’m pretty [...]


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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Utah to explore penalties for smokers on Medicaid

a Utah lawmaker has a message for smokers on Medicaid. If you want to use tobacco, go right ahead. but you?re going to pay ? and with more than your health. Rep. Paul Ray, R-Clearfield, is sponsoring legislation that would impose higher co-payments on tobacco-using Utahns enrolled in the low-income health insurance program. The measure may be a first nationally though other states have, in recent years, passed laws requiring applicants for food stamps, cash assistance and Medicaid to undergo and pay for drug testing. The rationale: Taxpayer money shouldn?t support someone?s drug habit. Ray voices the same sentiment, saying, ?I?m not trying to be mean to smokers. but people who are voluntarily putting their health at risk ought to pay more toward their health care.? Equally important, says Ray, is the imperative to snuff out tobacco use. ?This will give [enrollees] another reason to quit,? says Ray, who has pushed several anti-smoking policies over the years, including the most recent tobacco tax hike, which he says drove a decline in Utah cigarette sales. ?We sold 10 million fewer packs of cigarettes in 2010, and calls to the quit line increased,? he says. Story continues below Insurance penalties are in [...]


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First Birthday Party Planning, Interviewing, Octopus Eating.


what to do to get pregnant

Health tips for 2012, month by month

a year’s worth of health tips for 2012 … January: Dance your way to health in the new year Putting on dancing shoes to get in shape seems to be a trend that’s not going away. Gyms across the nation, including Spectrum Athletic Clubs, are continuing to add various dance classes to their schedules. “First of all, it’s fun and everyone loves to dance,” said Rocholle Ison, Spectrum’s regional fitness services director for all of California. “It’s a great way to lose weight, to sweat, to just get your body moving. Exercising can be hard sometimes, so it makes it easier when it’s fun.” One such class is the fitness chain’s Latinva Dance, which incorporates Latin-inspired dance steps as the foundation of a fun and exciting cardio workout. It’s offered at many of Spectrum’s clubs including those in Canoga Park, Rolling Hills Estates, Santa Monica and El Segundo. February: Maintain a healthy heart The first step to making sure you’re keeping a healthy heart is having your cholesterol checked. Many physicians, such as Dr. Cary Nelson of South Bay Family Medical Group, begin testing patients in their teens, especially if there’s a family history of heart disease. Nelson says normal [...]


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Is It Possible To Determine If My Husband Is More Likely To Help Me Conceive A Girl Or A Boy Baby?

I sometimes hear from women who have just married (or are seriously dating a man) and they are trying to gauge which baby gender this man might help them to produce. Some people may find this desire petty or silly. But I understand this inclination. Many women have dreamed about the child that they might have all their lives. And, many are already married and committed to the relationship no matter what gender might be in their future. So, although they are curious about which gender they are more likely to produce, it's not as if they are going to end the relationship if they don't get the gender they want. I heard from a woman who said: "I was married six months ago. In a few more months, we want to start trying to have a baby. I have my heart set on having a girl baby. Is there any test that he can take to make sure that he can conceive a girl? Or to tell me which sex he's most likely to conceive?"


what to do to get pregnant

9 Most Ridiculously Judged Celeb Mom ?Faux Pas? in 2011

There comes a point as a mother where you realize that the minute you chose parenting, you signed yourself up to be judged like crazy. by EVERYONE! but if you think it’s bad having to deal with that old lady in the supermarket acting like you don’t know your own kid, try being a celebrity mom. They’ve got the entire world telling them they’re doing everything wrong. And because misery loves company, here’s a look at some of the most overly judged celebrity mom faux pas of 2011. next time you want to give that old granny in the grocery store a piece of your own mind, just pull up one of these for your moment of zen: Katie Holmes Carrying Suri: yes, it’s true, everywhere she goes, Katie Holmes seems to have her 5-year-old in her arms. Which could mean she’s a helicopter mom. it could mean her kid is a brat who is being uber-spoiled by her parents. Orrrrrrrr, it could just mean that the easiest way to get through a whole bunch of paparazzi with a 5-year-old is to scoop her up off the ground and use long adult legs to get a move on. Kris Jenner [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Ione Enriquez ? January 2012

Ione sounds like a name some Greek goddess would have. well, when my mom was still pregnant with me, she and my dad were watching a movie called last Days of Pompei. the lead character was named Princess Ione, and they thought it was the perfect name for me.   How did you get into modeling?I started modeling when I was about 18. I started with a few newspaper ads, a few indie short films, local music videos, and I also did bar tours. We’re told that your dad’s a lawyer. Is he cool about this shoot? Ha ha! my dad specializes in criminal and labor law so yeah he is very…righteous. He’s not so strict though. he has no reason to, because I’m such a good girl. By the way, my parents do not know about this yet but I’m telling them soon. You’re also a recruitment officer. how do you think will you react if ever an applicant recognizes you and tells you: “Hey, weren’t you in FHM?”I will probably say, “yes I was. how does it feel to be interviewed by one?” and then I will change the subject and quickly shift back to the interview. I’m pretty [...]


what to do to get pregnant

How Can I Get Pregnant? A Common Sense Approach

Getting pregnant is one of the easiest things for most couples. Many couples even struggle with unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately, a small percentage of couples have trouble getting pregnant. ‘How can I get pregnant?’ is the question that is top most in the minds of many women who have trouble getting pregnant. if you are one of them, there are a few things that you can do to help you get pregnant. How Can I get Pregnant 1. Learn to predict ovulation A series of consecutive events leads to conception. first, an egg is released from your ovary every month when the pituitary gland stimulates the ovaries through certain hormones. The egg then travels through one of the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. this is the best time to have sex. In order to be able to predict the time of ovulation, keep track of the day on which your period commences every month, and how long it lasts. if you have a normal 28-day cycle, then your ovulation is most likely to begin 14 days after the last day of your period. In other words, ovulation occurs roughly in the middle of your 28-day cycle. Just prior to ovulation, your [...]


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Here we are, 36.5 weeks. For those counting along at home, that means I'm 4 days away from being considered "full term".

Thanks to all who responded to my last post. We ended up not going. To clarify, this was an informal gathering, not the actual engagement party. Anyhow, I was having an off day where sitting up was making me feel all kinds of dizzy and weird (darn baby mushing my internal organs around), so driving half an hour was really not in the cards anyway.

Many things are going really well around here:

The Garden
My potatoes are flowering, and so are the peas. We have a crop of carrots that looks like it'll be ready by the end of the month, and have sown a whole bunch more. The cucumbers have sprouted. The tomato seeds are in the ground. Sunflowers are slowly catching up to the squirrels, height-wise, and our new fruit tree and raspberry bushes seem to be thriving. Even Kali's pot of carrots, whose future was in question ("no, sweetheart, we don't dig the dirt again after we've already planted the seeds!") is producing some nice little sprouts.

The Toddler
At turns infuriating and endearing, Kali just amazes me. Sometimes she comes up with things that I know I haven't explicitly taught her. Today someone was asking her about the new baby we'll be having soon. Kali explained that she would put the baby in the stroller and take it for a walk and put it on the swings. The adult then asked, "what about feeding? What do you feed a baby?" Kali's response? "Babies eat breastmilk!"

The Pregnancy
I won't lie, the heartburn is killing me and I'm dying to be able to turn over in bed without heaving myself violently like a beached whale in its final throes. But overall I've been blessed with an easy pregnancy, and just enough weight gain to not worry me while at the same time making me feel optimistic about losing not only the baby weight, but the IVF weight too.

The only thing that has scared me recently is, improbably, a charley horse. It woke me up in the middle of the night and was breathtakingly painful. In that moment, suddenly, I thought, "I can't handle this cramp! How am I going to manage in labor?!?" Fortunately, the cramp subsided and I'm left both laughing and silently fretting.


what to do to get pregnant

Pregnancy Advice for Newlyweds

Many newly married couples think about having a baby. Others are eager and excited to welcome them into the world, while others wait for the right time.


what to do to get pregnant

Monday, January 2, 2012

Thoughts on homebirth

Folks, I'm tired of apologizing every time I post here after a long break. Suffice it to say, I'm often mentally or physically too exhausted to put my thoughts into words. From now on, I'll just post as I can, without all the apologetic preamble.

We attended a seminar on homebirth this week. Mr. December and I had already done most of the research, so the only thing that was new to us was seeing all the equipment that the midwives bring with them. I had already decided before this week that we're planning on having a homebirth. Mr. December is supportive, but open about the fact that it wouldn't be his choice.

I'm not sure why people keep saying that I'm "brave" to try a homebirth. Frankly, there is an element of fear driving my decision: fear that I won't be listened to by hospital staff I've never met before; fear of being pushed into unnecessary interventions "just in case"; fear of winding up with a c-section for "failure to deliver within hospital timelines" or some other stupid reason, AKA winding up with an "unnecessarean".

I know that many of those fears are based on things I've heard from friends in other places, most notably the U.S. But fears are fears, and they're not entirely bogus.

I'm also choosing homebirth to be able to move, eat, scream, shout, and generally do whatever I feel the need to do to get this baby out. During Kali's birth, I felt pressured by the nurses to be quieter, out of consideration for the other women. Consideration is a great idea, I'm all for it, but at that moment I needed to vocalize. Loudly. Also, the l&d room I was in was smaller than an average dorm room from the 1970's. There was really nowhere to move around except in the hallway. And it stank of pee and disinfectant, as hospitals usually do.

When I was admitted to my delivery room at Kali's birth, the nurse started asking me all kinds of questions I had already answered either on a form or in my doctor's office (hence it would be in my chart). Having to listen to this litany of questions while trying to deal with very heavy labour was just really unfair. Why do we do pre-admission paperwork if they're just going to break our concentration to do it again when we arrive in full-blown labour?

In choosing a homebirth, I know that I'll be cared for by midwives who know me (and already know all the answers to those stupid questions), allowed to take my time birthing (as long as both the baby and I are in good shape, obviously), and given the space and freedom to do what I need to do. Really, NOT having those things would take a level of bravery that I don't have.

Besides, I'm dreaming of how nice it will be to be helped to shower after the birth, and then be tucked into bed with my new baby and some healthy snacks, and to be monitored when I am awake and ready instead of being disturbed by a nurse who wants to come take my vitals at HER convenience even if it means disturbing my rare and precious sleep.

Any questions?


what to do to get pregnant

Can Great Sex Help You to Conceive?


what to do to get pregnant

The Connection Between Posture and Beauty

After giving birth, many women search in vain for some miracle product to help them look beautiful. For nine months they've felt big and unattractive and as soon as the baby is born, it's time to try to fit back in pre-pregnancy clothes. Unfortunately, it's not so easy to regain your figure, even with the body shaper products available on the market today. What's missing is the one key factor in beauty that many women ignore: posture.


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Extreme Dieting Can Damage Your Fertility


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Ferility Secrets

What kind of information can you expect to get from a report on Fertility Options?
Well, you can expect to get accurate, factual information about some of the most popular fertility options. What are those options?
The most common fertility options include:

IVF, or In-Vitro Fertilization
AI, or Artificial Insemination
Surrogacy and Third Party Donors
Living Child Free

Each of these fertility [...]


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Alyson Hannigan pregnant with second child

Alyson Hannigan at the 18th Annaul EIF Revlon Run/Walk for Women. (Los Angeles, CA) How I Met Your Mother could get a lot more interesting, as if its plotlines weren?t crazy and confusing enough. Us Weekly reported Alyson Hannigan, who plays the loveable Lily on the show, is pregnant with her second child. The 37-year-old and her husband, Alexis Denisof, already have one daughter together, adorable 2-year-old Satyana. And while the producers of the hit CBS show had to make sure Alyson?s belly was covered up during scenes when she was pregnant with Satyana, E! News reported her baby bump will be on full display this time around as her character is already expecting. Talk about good timing! “Everyone at How I Met Your Mother is thrilled for Aly! and we’d especially like to thank her for timing this perfectly to Lily’s pregnancy on the show!? the show?s Executive Producer and Co-Creator, Craig Thomas, said. ?Apologies to any How I Met Your Mother fans hoping to see another series of awkwardly-placed fruit baskets, bowling balls or purses the size of a small canoe.? No apologies necessary, Craig. Lily is scheduled to give birth at the end of season 7 next [...]


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Day 4 Report Card


what to do to get pregnant

Handling Cravings During Pregnancy

Cravings are a part of pregnancy everybody recognizes. Stories of cravings throughout pregnancy abound, and all you have to do is turn on the television to find an actor joking about pickles and ice cream. All jokes aside, what can you do to handle cravings during pregnancy?


what to do to get pregnant

Best Way to Conceive a Boy: Top Tips You Should Follow Now

Finding the best way to conceive a boy or a baby girl is among the top priority for couples who are just beginning to build their own families. Having a child is one experience that would complete any married life. And what more happiness can it give you if you can predetermine the gender of your child? These days, technology has offered artificial ways in gender selection. One of which is the services that most fertility clinic offers. For couples who are willing to spend thousands to determine the gender of their children, this is the best way to go. Fertility clinics have 100 percent accuracy in gender selection


what to do to get pregnant

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Highs and Lows of IVF

Many couples dream about just how wonderful it will be to be surprised with an easy conception, but not everyone gets the chance to live out that dream. For many couples, conceiving can be a struggle, but it is not something that they want to give up on. Sometimes, all they need is a little bit of help. The help that might be best is that of IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization. While there are many benefits to this procedure, which obviously includes that of reproducing, there are many downfalls as well.


what to do to get pregnant

What Do Your Dreams Suggest While the Most Beautiful Dream Prospers In Your Womb?

Pregnancy is one condition where a woman undergoes tremendous changes, at both physical level and also at emotional level. According to studies on an average a normal woman experiences maximum number of dreams of her life during pregnancy.


what to do to get pregnant � Blog Archive � Ways to get Pregnant * Some Tips about how to Conceive Without Issue!

If your considering getting pregnant right after numerous failed attempts, it’s rather a heart-ache unsure how to deal with the idea. Yet it’s much less late… In case you have suffered from earlier persistent miscarriages, wanting to begin a loved ones inside your late 30′s or even 40s, or even attempted IVF as well as IUI procedures together with little fortune, the following 4 tips under can help you reunite wish in conceiving of your just like me: Hint 1: Don’t believe you Cannot become pregnant ever again I used to consider I’d not be able to get expecting actually since I used to be clinically determined to have PCOS. my own doctors got quit and so did my spouse and i. That’s my personal largest mistake. when you have tried out many strategies as well as capsules that don’t perform does not necessarily mean nothing will operate. you must consider optimistic, it will help a lot. Picture transporting your kids within your hands, feeding the girl, modifying the woman’s diapers, as well as of all, the infant calling an individual Mom for the first time! it really is any single parent’s desire becoming reality. you can get expecting a [...]


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The Bloke: 2011 has been a big year for me ? Jayne Dawson ? Yorkshire Evening Post

Published on Tuesday 27 December 2011 08:22 2011 has been a big year for the Bloke. In July I became a father for the first (and second time) when the Missus gave birth to twins ? one of each flavour. It is fair to say it has been a year that has taught me many new and varied things. I thought I would share just a few of them with you. 1. In the weeks and months after your partner gives birth you can expect plenty of tears, screaming and late night tantrums. Chances are the baby (or babies) will be a bit of a handful at times too. 2. When your other half finally makes it out of the house and returns with a pot of single cream to go with dessert, act like you?re grateful. There is a right time to tell her you prefer double cream but trust me, this isn?t it. 3. even if you have a twin boy and girl (and the Missus insists on dressing them almost exclusively in blue and pink), everyone will still ask if they?re identical. The quickest way to explain it is to point at your son and say, ?Well, [...]


what to do to get pregnant

Christmas Maternity Clothes Gifts

The holidays are here and Christmas shopping is in full swing! If one has a wife, friend, daughter, or sibling who is expecting, one wants to find the perfect gift that is both useful and desired. Maternity clothing is a great choice, as they are sure to need it and every woman gets excited over new clothing.


what to do to get pregnant



what to do to get pregnant

Christmas Maternity Clothes Gifts

The holidays are here and Christmas shopping is in full swing! If one has a wife, friend, daughter, or sibling who is expecting, one wants to find the perfect gift that is both useful and desired. Maternity clothing is a great choice, as they are sure to need it and every woman gets excited over new clothing.


what to do to get pregnant

Reasons Lots of Couples Choose IVF to Have Kids

Most people have heard of IVF-which stands for in vitro fertilization-at one point in their lives. But many are still unaware of what it is and how it can help couples conceive and get pregnant. It actually works by combining sperm and eggs inside of a dish.


what to do to get pregnant