Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Bloke: 2011 has been a big year for me ? Jayne Dawson ? Yorkshire Evening Post

Published on Tuesday 27 December 2011 08:22 2011 has been a big year for the Bloke. In July I became a father for the first (and second time) when the Missus gave birth to twins ? one of each flavour. It is fair to say it has been a year that has taught me many new and varied things. I thought I would share just a few of them with you. 1. In the weeks and months after your partner gives birth you can expect plenty of tears, screaming and late night tantrums. Chances are the baby (or babies) will be a bit of a handful at times too. 2. When your other half finally makes it out of the house and returns with a pot of single cream to go with dessert, act like you?re grateful. There is a right time to tell her you prefer double cream but trust me, this isn?t it. 3. even if you have a twin boy and girl (and the Missus insists on dressing them almost exclusively in blue and pink), everyone will still ask if they?re identical. The quickest way to explain it is to point at your son and say, ?Well, [...]


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