Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is It Possible To Determine If My Husband Is More Likely To Help Me Conceive A Girl Or A Boy Baby?

I sometimes hear from women who have just married (or are seriously dating a man) and they are trying to gauge which baby gender this man might help them to produce. Some people may find this desire petty or silly. But I understand this inclination. Many women have dreamed about the child that they might have all their lives. And, many are already married and committed to the relationship no matter what gender might be in their future. So, although they are curious about which gender they are more likely to produce, it's not as if they are going to end the relationship if they don't get the gender they want. I heard from a woman who said: "I was married six months ago. In a few more months, we want to start trying to have a baby. I have my heart set on having a girl baby. Is there any test that he can take to make sure that he can conceive a girl? Or to tell me which sex he's most likely to conceive?"

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6752044

what to do to get pregnant

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