Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How Can I Get Pregnant? A Common Sense Approach

Getting pregnant is one of the easiest things for most couples. Many couples even struggle with unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately, a small percentage of couples have trouble getting pregnant. ‘How can I get pregnant?’ is the question that is top most in the minds of many women who have trouble getting pregnant. if you are one of them, there are a few things that you can do to help you get pregnant. How Can I get Pregnant 1. Learn to predict ovulation A series of consecutive events leads to conception. first, an egg is released from your ovary every month when the pituitary gland stimulates the ovaries through certain hormones. The egg then travels through one of the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. this is the best time to have sex. In order to be able to predict the time of ovulation, keep track of the day on which your period commences every month, and how long it lasts. if you have a normal 28-day cycle, then your ovulation is most likely to begin 14 days after the last day of your period. In other words, ovulation occurs roughly in the middle of your 28-day cycle. Just prior to ovulation, your [...]

Source: http://howtogetpregnantblog.net/how-can-i-get-pregnant-a-common-sense-approach/

what to do to get pregnant

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