Tuesday, January 3, 2012

9 Most Ridiculously Judged Celeb Mom ?Faux Pas? in 2011

There comes a point as a mother where you realize that the minute you chose parenting, you signed yourself up to be judged like crazy. by EVERYONE! but if you think it’s bad having to deal with that old lady in the supermarket acting like you don’t know your own kid, try being a celebrity mom. They’ve got the entire world telling them they’re doing everything wrong. And because misery loves company, here’s a look at some of the most overly judged celebrity mom faux pas of 2011. next time you want to give that old granny in the grocery store a piece of your own mind, just pull up one of these for your moment of zen: Katie Holmes Carrying Suri: yes, it’s true, everywhere she goes, Katie Holmes seems to have her 5-year-old in her arms. Which could mean she’s a helicopter mom. it could mean her kid is a brat who is being uber-spoiled by her parents. Orrrrrrrr, it could just mean that the easiest way to get through a whole bunch of paparazzi with a 5-year-old is to scoop her up off the ground and use long adult legs to get a move on. Kris Jenner [...]

Source: http://howtogetpregnantblog.net/9-most-ridiculously-judged-celeb-mom-faux-pas-in-2011/

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